Why The Hell Would Anyone Want Mancini Sacked ?

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bluemc1 said:
waspish said:
What I find astounding is certain city fans not giving Mancini the benefit of the doubt after winning the league LAST YEAR! It's 15 games in and you've lost faith in a winning manager for city something we haven't had for over 35 years...

what we have that we haven't had in 35 years is 500 fxxkin million to buy players, do people honestly think that the best manager we ever had just coincidently came at the same time

Funny that fans think spending money guarantees trophies it helps but there is no Guarantee.

Ok if you get your wish and the next manager we get doesn't look like winning the league what will you do then wish him to go?
FantasyIreland said:
Yaya_Tony said:
Which supporters are these? The ones singing his name every match?

Thats part and parcel of the small time mentality many still possess,blind loyalty due to years of mediocracy.

He's not good enough,we have to be ruthless otherwise progress will stop,the signs are already there.

Actually, perhaps we understand that losing a game isn't the end of the world, and sacking a manager who has just won the league is one of the most ridiculous propositions in history
Neil McNab said:
Davs 19 said:
Neil McNab said:
Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answers, for the record I consider a fan with blind loyalty to a bloke who played a very small part in our recent success and seems to be wasting talent, money and time as an idiot!

Cool. If I ever decide to value your opinion, I'll let you know.

Thanks for confirming my point of view though.
Why is it people like you always remind me of the Salem witch trials.

I don't know, paranoia?
preston-blue said:
Damocles said:
BlueMoonz1977 said:
What so you think that Soriano and Begiristain aren't already plotting !!!

So we were plotting against a manager whilst offering him a 5 year deal?

Sounds plausible.

Are you so naive as to think that contracts mean anything at all these days? And let's be honest, the contract was made just after we won the league. Do you think that the same contract would have been offered at this juncture - having won just 9 of our 22 competitive games since? Now, I'm not saying that there are plans afoot, but be honest ... if we had a vacant manager's slot right now and the three candidate's were Mourinho, Guardiola and Mancini, would you choose Mancini?
I would. Guardiola is unproven (apart from to crack under pressure) and Moo is a ****. Bobby manc is a blue, and his contract means he is here for at least a few seasons yet.
BlueAnorak said:
BlueMoonz1977 said:
Damocles said:
Manager payouts aren't amortised like transfer fees, it's one big hit. And his contract will be worth a £30m payout at the end of the season, then all of his staff go too which feasibly will cost another £10m. Then the cost of a new manager and staff.

This is what you're talking about here, in a monitoring period where we are sailing very close to the wind. Sacking a manager at a total cost of £40m wiith no possible way of getting this back and we will fail FFP on the back of it.

Again, if you're going to talk about sacking the manager and the like of, then at least put the effort in to actually thik about it for more than the ten seconds it takes you to write a post.

So basically what you are saying that because of the FFP our owners would not sack a manager if results and performances warranted it !!! So we would have to sit back and carry on regardless - utter rubbish

Only Rubbish if you believe firing managers like Abramovich does is a football model we should follow.
So unless Mancini is a disaster he won't be going anywhere for the next 2 and a half seasons. I believe either side can finish the 5 year contract at the half way point - this was alluded to in an interview Mancini gave in Italy at the start of the season. But I doubt he willl be going anywhere in the short term. Our owners are looking for medium and long term success and that doesn't come firing your manager after a poor run of form. Like Hughes it would have to be consistant and Mancini would not have to have a plan to get us out of a rut.
For sure they can probably keep paying him his current salary if 'sacked' but Mancini wouldn't have signed a new contract if it wasn't bullet proof - even if he gets a job elsewhere he will get the money. No matter what Billy Shears and others think.
Anyway Roberto has a bloody good excuse this season with the Marwood summer transfer shambles.

Anyway Roberto has a bloody good excuse this season with the Marwood summer transfer shambles.

Best piece of sense on this thread by miles.
Yaya_Tony said:
hilts said:
Damocles said:
So we were plotting against a manager whilst offering him a 5 year deal?

Sounds plausible.

In all honesty i don't think the length of his contract will mean anything at the end of the day, i hope we stay with him but i think the supporters are showing signs of dissent, how the owners see the season so far i have no idea
Which supporters are these? The ones singing his name every match?

Regardless, his length of contract means a great deal. It could have been an extension, or 3 years, or results based. But the bloke got 5 years. The board have confidence in him, this manager talk is utter bullshit. Until I am proved otherwise (by us signing another manager) I will always say so.

And all you twits that call yourself blues need to get behind him. Comment on tactics and selections, but don't call for a change because it is not going to happen.

Tactics and selections? Alas, I think you're right ... they're not going to change.

So you're asking for blind faith in a man who starts Balotelli ahead of Tevez in a game of today's magnitude? Actually, let's be honest ... a man who considers playing Balotelli at all. A man who was booed by his own fans last week for replacing Tevez instead of Dzeko? I guess that must make 40k+ of us 'twits' in your eyes. I suppose you're still marveling at the Emperor's new clothes, too?
Damocles said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Damocles said:
Manager payouts aren't amortised like transfer fees, it's one big hit. And his contract will be worth a £30m payout at the end of the season, then all of his staff go too which feasibly will cost another £10m. Then the cost of a new manager and staff.

This is what you're talking about here, in a monitoring period where we are sailing very close to the wind. Sacking a manager at a total cost of £40m wiith no possible way of getting this back and we will fail FFP on the back of it.

Again, if you're going to talk about sacking the manager and the like of, then at least put the effort in to actually thik about it for more than the ten seconds it takes you to write a post.

I've noticed before, you show breathtaking naiavity when it comes to football and commercial contracts. I'm going to a party now but will fill you in on the reality of the situation tomorrow, unless someone else does in the meantime.

Rest assured it won't cost anything like forty bloody mill when we sack him.

I await with bated breath for Didsbury Dave to tell me the contents of Mancini's contract. Because if there's anybody who you can trust to be an objective source on inside information regarding a non-standard clause in a contract for Roberto Mancini, it's Didsbury Dave.

Also "when we sack him". I see Dave has gotten another one of his inside tips. Get your money on Mou again lads!
The tit knows fuck all, same shit every rough patch but celebrates the hardest when we win trophys needs fucking off.
Yaya_Tony said:
hilts said:
Damocles said:
So we were plotting against a manager whilst offering him a 5 year deal?

Sounds plausible.

In all honesty i don't think the length of his contract will mean anything at the end of the day, i hope we stay with him but i think the supporters are showing signs of dissent, how the owners see the season so far i have no idea
Which supporters are these? The ones singing his name every match?

Regardless, his length of contract means a great deal. It could have been an extension, or 3 years, or results based. But the bloke got 5 years. The board have confidence in him, this manager talk is utter bullshit. Until I am proved otherwise (by us signing another manager) I will always say so.

And all you twits that call yourself blues need to get behind him. Comment on tactics and selections, but don't call for a change because it is not going to happen.

You are obviously unaware of my views on Mancini but anyhow the small minority of Mancini outers has been growing in my opinion over the last month or so, in fairness you nor anyone else on here has a scooby doo what the board or our owners are thinking
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