Why The Hell Would Anyone Want Mancini Sacked ?

didactic said:
Dethred said:
We've literally had about 3-4 months last season (first few and the last month) during which we actually played aggressive free-flowing football. That's 3-4 months out of 3.5 years of Mancini managing the club.

Last season, in the final 6-odd matches, Mancini played Aguero, Silva, Nasri, Tevez, and it basically won us the title and overturned the goal difference as well. This season, I can count on one hand the number of times we've played that combination of players (could have been at least double that number even with all the injuries). If you can't question the manager for simply not choosing the squad that won us the title and building the squad to be more like that in the transfer window, I don't know what you can do.

Oh no, but we needed another 50 Million to buy every single Mancini target! Ironically enough, PSG (supposedly) bid 40 Million for Balotelli, which would have funded that. Mancini (supposedly) threatened to leave if that happened, so we kept Balotelli, lost 20 million in transfer fees in January after he scored a couple times in 6 months and the club basically were willing to give him away.

So in summary:

1.) Mancini throws fit when 40M offer for Balotelli comes in.
2.) Mancini doesn't get 100% of his first choice targets.
3.) Balotelli scores 2-3 times in 6 months, and is sold for only ~20M
4.) Balotelli begins scoring haul for Milan immediately after leaving, generally behaves himself.
5.) Mancini makes appalling tactical decisions in key games in the CL, wins three home draws and three away defeats (now a tally of only one away win in 12 CL matches).
6.) Mancini, after 3-5-2 finished us off in the CL, uses the same tactics to finish us off in the PL.
7.) Bluemoon members wonder why some of us don't rate him at all.

Show us where PSG made a £40 mil offer for Balotelli besides the tabloids.
Show us where Mancini threw a fit besides the tabloids.
Balotelli has been one for months why mention him now?
Again as above he is a new club where he is the main man I guess smoking in toilets and getting a red card for attacking a ref is behaving himself when you need to attack our manager.
We lost to teams that got to the semis and to the finals blame Mancini not Hart for his errors nor the defence.
Yea we are so finished we are second' plastic much?
No we know you don't rate him because you a glory hunter who probably j,led on the bandwagon after we started winning.

I actually think he is a washington dc fan.....
the-ecstacy-of-eight said:
Cheers mate, but I was just following your lead really though wasn’t I.

I just get pissed off with all these “would you rather have an FA Cup Final win or a Champions League Final loss” type of questions. I mean, is that really a serious question? Really? I’m almost lost for words by it all. One of those trophies is an achievable short-term goal, a stepping-stone on the journey, a way in which we can gauge our progress; the other is one step away from the holy grail of European football and one of our owner’s long-term project goals. It’s not even apples and oranges. And yet just five short years after the takeover some people want it now and they’re getting tetchy that we haven’t achieved it yet.
Mancini’s shit in Europe, let’s get rid” they shout. “Look at his record in the competition; let’s find somebody with a better record, that’ll sort it. We’ll win it for sure then.”
The temperature of my A - rhesus negative goes up another degree.

And they’re even pissed that we’ve not won a second title on the bounce and spout crap about “we’ve spent money, we should’ve won it this year as well” as evidence of why our manager isn’t up to the task in hand.
Yes, we’ve spent money, a lot of money, but we’ve done it over a very short space of time, but some people seem to fail to understand the fact that to some extent it takes a full year/season to analyse the value of that money spent and where if anywhere extra changes need to be made or additions need to be brought in.
Footballers aren’t like upgrades for your car are they; you don’t really know what you’re getting when you pay your money, and you are always taking a bit of a gamble when you put your money down. Who knew that Nastasic would be so good? Who knew that Garcia would be so bad? Who knew that Maicon would be so injury prone? Who knew that Nasri wouldn’t step up? Who knew that …etc…etc…etc. There are just too many variables.
Don’t get me wrong, I do understand, to some extent, the need for some sort of trophy related return on the investment, but what I’m saying is that it’s not an exact science is it. Money spent does not correlate exactly to trophies won and sometimes it’s nobody’s fault that somebody else was better than you.
Like I said before “thees ees football”.
In my lifetime …(“It’s a different City now though”, “We’re not likkle City anymore” - YAWN!)… before the takeover we’d been to two League Cup Finals and won one and one FA Cup Final and lost it; and since then we’ve won the FA Cup and the league.
In back to back seasons.
Last year people were saying that our winning of the league was “ahead of schedule” and so to some extent we have delivered some of this expected return already, yet still people persist in sticking to this “Ooooh, Europe, we were shit, sack him.” It really beggars belief.
I’m not very far away from boiling point now, it’s getting closer by the minute.

But the thing I simply don’t understand is some people’s inability to read between the lines in relation to certain media related issues. It really, really baffles me. We all know that the tabloids are full of negative jackanories about City, it’s been discussed at extreme length in far too many threads on this site; one minute the majority of our fans are in agreement that journalists are the scourge of our club, seen as the enemy and as such should be banned for life from ever entering Bradford/Beswick ever again; but the next minute they’re causing a split in opinion and some people are being brain washed by it.
I WONDER WHO WE’RE GONNA GET AS OUR NEW MANAGER” I hear them cry as a direct result of what can only be described as a constant wave of fictionalised stories in the press, “IT MUST BE TRUE, I’M READING IT EVERWHERE” they muse and then they begin their circular arguments about why the guy we’ve got is shit and why their chosen preferred manager would be so much better. Is it really beyond the realms of possibility that it’s being done to rock our boat? Can nobody else see that this just might be yet another method that they’re employing in an attempt to destabilise us?

We have one of the best managers in the league and….. oh, bollocks to it, I can’t be arsed with explaining my point of view anymore, I’m gonna stop ranting now and get some sleep or else I’m going to POP!

Forza.... oh, whatever!
Good post. Pretty similar to how I feel about this continual bullshit that started the day after we beat Stoke at home in 2009 and has the same posters saying the same shit now.
waspish said:
blueinsa said:
waspish said:
Next season it will be different

Thats ok then, blank cheque time.....

All top teams spend the scum bought the league this season we did it last its the way it has always been

Agreed but Bob had better get his choices right this time around as its the last chance saloon.

Please don't tell us Marwood is to blame etc either.
We lose or draw and it's Bobbys fault
We win and it's the players performances not the managers tactics.

Can't wait to win the cup next week (all being well)
Pablo1 said:
OB1 said:
Pablo1 said:
except it wasnt a lighthearted quip, it was another snide little comment. my manners are reserved for those who i have a modicum of respect for and you dont come under that umbrella so to answer your question, yes - very proud.

It was a light hearted quip and I will thank you not to call me a liar.

Now go and learn some real manners.
hardly calling you a liar is it - just my answer to how i interpreted your post. the fact that you needed to post what you did when my original point was a fair one tells me that you wanted a bite and now you get all precious when you get one. like i said, my manners are reserved for those who i have some respect for, which on here amounts to everyone bar about half a dozen - which isnt bad going to be fair.

You are indeed implying that I am lying because I have told you that I made a lighthearted quip and you have said that I was being snide, which I was not.

Didn't you try to accuse me once before of something that I had not done?

You were extremely rude and followed it up by suggesting that I was not telling the truth. If pointing that out is being precious, so be it. You do see the irony by the way of calling me precious when you get upset because I said: "where's Marvin"?

Perhaps you would have preferred me just to be rude back? It's not difficult to call people names.
blueinsa said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
blueinsa said:
Yeah you're right, I very rarely post ffs

Today was shit and a carbon copy of many performances this season that has seen us lose our title.

Worthy of discussion? Fucking right it is and I suggest you take your mock indignation elsewhere if its all a little too much for you.

we drew away from home...give it up....

We were shit again away from home and no, i wont give it up, i will discuss why we were shit away from home again on here.

No we wasn't in front of goal we were but we were comfortable the whole game it was the finishing that let us down but hey your a fan who is a glass half empty
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
We lose or draw and it's Bobbys fault
We win and it's the players performances not the managers tactics.

Can't wait to win the cup next week (all being well)

The realities of football is the same for any manager regardless.

Dont win and its the gaffers fault. why are some of you trying to reinvent the wheel here?

Players are to blame no doubt for getting managers the boot but the managers buy them and the managers play them.
blueinsa said:
Some on here struggle if the post gets beyond their own, one word vocabulary...


Oh so true. And I even left out the bit about Mancini's press conference before the Madrid match, claiming that with our current squad, he could win the Champions League. When asked why he was so confident, he marked his past failings down to having a Fiat (If I recall correctly) and now having a Ferrari. Cue two months later his shit tactical decisions lead him to blame Marwood in the transfer market.

For the deluded Forza's:

"If you drive a Ferrari you can win, if you drive a Fiat Cinquecento, maybe not"

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/manchester-city/9549497/Real-Madrid-v-Manchester-City-Roberto-Mancini-fires-up-Ferrari-squad-on-fast-track-to-Champions-League-glory.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/footba ... glory.html</a>

Mancini, six days later:
"We had new players only in the last two or three days of the market, and maybe these players don't know their team-mates well and need time."

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/manchester-city/9563068/Manchester-City-manager-Roberto-Mancini-blames-late-transfers-for-poor-start-to-season.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/footba ... eason.html</a>

Amidst all of this, the player for which Mancini held his job ransom last summer (which many of you so desire him to retain):

<a class="postlink" href="http://goal.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/12/13/balotelli-descent-hits-new-low-in-loss-to-united/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://goal.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/12/1 ... to-united/</a>

This is the stability some of us so desire?
waspish said:
blueinsa said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
we drew away from home...give it up....

We were shit again away from home and no, i wont give it up, i will discuss why we were shit away from home again on here.

No we wasn't in front of goal we were but we were comfortable the whole game it was the finishing that let us down but hey your a fan who is a glass half empty

Yes the glass half empty brigade are loving this today yet again.We could easily have scored 3 or 4 today yet we were apparently shit!! I honestly think some supporters think we should win every single game ever.

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