Just a small point, but Pluto isn't a planet anymore :-)
Has anyone told Pluto, surely it can appeal the decision ?
I am starting a petition, Justice for Pluto.
Just a small point, but Pluto isn't a planet anymore :-)
We sold out. You don't want to believe everything you read in The Sun.Its still better than the FA returning 2k tickets even before the final was played noo..
You’ll never orbit alone!Has anyone told Pluto, surely it can appeal the decision ?
I am starting a petition, Justice for Pluto.
We're all feeling it. I'll be sick to my stomach until the final whistle on Sunday.
I think they are irrelevant full stop.
It doesn't matter to me what happens tomorrow or in their match against Spurs.
NoIs there enough oxygen on Pluto to allow candles to burn ?
I doubt that will get a mention anywhere though!!Especially when you consider when we have been without KDB for most of it.