Why Would you Vote Tory ?

kippaxwarrior said:
Going to watch the live tv show and whoever impresses me most will get my vote(although labour ALWAYS win Manchester dont they?)

yes because there's more benefit scroungers in Manchester than most places. It's fucking embarrassing that my home city consistently vote for this pile of shite
the nation should vote for the lib Dem's. I don't support them or anything, but surely the system has it far too cosy at the moment. either one or the other time after time after time. Lets vote Tory and have a different bunch of privately educated millionaires telling us what to do, blue toffs are better than red toffs........Im praying for a hung Parliament, its the only outcome that will shake up the system and really let politicians know what we think of them.
I believe they all pi*s in the same pot but the Conservatives are much worse ,you think it is bad now !!!
Can any Tory voters out there please enlighten me as to why Labour have made such a mess of things during their stay in power?
Genuine question.
And I am referring to YOU and YOUR life and the society around you. Not expense claims or bogus wars abroad.
I am not for a second dismissing those things but I have read several posts over the past few months insinuating that Britain has gone to the dogs under Labour.
As if we are in a severe mess and in desperate need of the Conservatives to come in and rescue us with some much-needed 'tough love'.
I am sorry but I just cannot see this.

Just to pre-empt a couple of possible fortcoming responses -

General sociological problems such as crime would be just as bad whoever was in charge.

And the recession only kicked in a couple of years ago so, although its a legitimate point, it doesnt explain this supposed 'disastrous noughties' I keep reading about.

Just why has life under Labour been so shit? Because in my eyes its been pretty stable and certainly so in comparison to the social divide that we endured under the Tories with strikes, social unrest and riots illustrating genuine hardships and grievances and not baseless grumbles.
Lucky Toma said:
Can any Tory voters out there please enlighten me as to why Labour have made such a mess of things during their stay in power?
Genuine question.
And I am referring to YOU and YOUR life and the society around you. Not expense claims or bogus wars abroad.
I am not for a second dismissing those things but I have read several posts over the past few months insinuating that Britain has gone to the dogs under Labour.
As if we are in a severe mess and in desperate need of the Conservatives to come in and rescue us with some much-needed 'tough love'.
I am sorry but I just cannot see this.

Just to pre-empt a couple of possible fortcoming responses -

General sociological problems such as crime would be just as bad whoever was in charge.

And the recession only kicked in a couple of years ago so, although its a legitimate point, it doesnt explain this supposed 'disastrous noughties' I keep reading about.

Just why has life under Labour been so shit? Because in my eyes its been pretty stable and certainly so in comparison to the social divide that we endured under the Tories with strikes, social unrest and riots illustrating genuine hardships and grievances and not baseless grumbles.

On crime, I would rather vote for a party who wants to lock up a paedo for life rather than 'rehabilitate' and free after 5-10 yrs giving them the chance to reoffend and possibly attack my daughter.

Financially I'm much worse off under labour since I'm self employed - they increased corporation tax from 19 to 22%. They are also taxing cars out of existence - I don't think they appreciate or even care about the fact that people who live in the countryside simply need a car to get from a to b.

I've saved money for my daughters future but under Labour I'm finding that the rate of inflation is outstripping interest rates so she is losing money in real terms.

My grandad hates them for stealing peoples pensions but I don't know the details of this?

I've never agreed with the whole concept of inheritance tax since I believe people should be able to work and save money for a better life for their own children rather than govt coffers.

Labour promised a referendum on Lisbon then went back on the promise. Not saying the Tories have never done this just not in my lifetime. As a result I'm at risk of getting rats around my house because the EU decided on fortnightly bin collections. Should I take it to the tip Labour? My tip is 1/2 hr drive away so that would be damaging to the environment.

Petrol prices have gone through the roof.

Alcohol prices have gone through the roof.

The only Labour policy I have partially agreed with is the smoking ban, although it's made loads of pub landlords bankrupt and I think pubs should be allowed a specific smoking room for people who want to smoke.

These are the reasons I will be voting Tory.
Whichever party you vote for makes no difference they will all fleece us in a different way. We are a country that has been sold down the river by every party since the war. Too many do gooders and liberal attitudes. No party has any real answer to our problems and none of their reps that come to my door can answer to my satisfaction the questions I ask them, " jobs, public services, immigration, law and order, N.H.S" I'll vote but it wont be for the either of the big 2.
The simple fact of the matter is that we can not afford another labour government, the bond markets are getting nervous about our debt levels we could lose our AAA credit rating which will make interest rates rocket.

It's always the case the Tories end up having to clean up after a Labour government.

I did vote labour in the last couple of elections, and I do remember the last Tory Government and the 80's.

What happened in the 80's would have happened under Labour but would have been prolonged, I also remember Blair inheriting a strong low debt growing economy in 97, compare and contrast!
I know we have a lot of debt under Labour but please correct me if I am wrong. Didn't the American banks start all this recession when the sub prime mortgages they had were defaulted on and because they had migrated the same system over here, where as in the past people would do anything to save their homes now they just defaulted.....Surely this was all the banks fault and not the government?. Still wont vot labour.
Answer to the origonal post, I wouldnt, but there again I wouldnt vote for Nu-Liebour until they get back to their traditional Core values, reduse and do away with the many needless quangos, put more revenue into the public health service, re-nationalise public transport and turn it into a realistic alterative to using your own car (at least in urban connurbations), tax the fcuk out of gas guzzling 4by4's unless the owner can show a genuine business need for having that type of vehicle (i.e a farmer), closer inter departmental working policies to clamp down on tax avoidance-evasion and benefits cheats.
A radical overhaul to the entire benefits system to ensure those genuinly in need get all the support they require and those that think of it as a lifestyle choice get sent to work.

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