Why Would you Vote Tory ?

Very interesting points from Grandad and regarding the bond market.

However, the choice between A or B in a modern capitalist system really is no choice at all, apart from personal circumstance and the conflict between self-interest and a wider social consciousness.

By the end of that last sentence, I'll be sounding like a dribbling Trotskyite, no doubt, but it's quite obvious that the system engenders the problems, and the parties within the system cannot eliminate them. Any solution embraced by the system is designed to perpetuate the system. If you accept the right to vote you accept whatever happens afterwards.

A hung parliament might force compromise, but that will not satisfy the majority of people who vote for one side or another, and will only lead to a polarisation of opinion to force a clear decision next time. Back to square none. Don't ask me what the answer is, because I have no idea at all.
terryphelan said:
Lucky Toma said:
Can any Tory voters out there please enlighten me as to why Labour have made such a mess of things during their stay in power?
Genuine question.
And I am referring to YOU and YOUR life and the society around you. Not expense claims or bogus wars abroad.
I am not for a second dismissing those things but I have read several posts over the past few months insinuating that Britain has gone to the dogs under Labour.
As if we are in a severe mess and in desperate need of the Conservatives to come in and rescue us with some much-needed 'tough love'.
I am sorry but I just cannot see this.

Just to pre-empt a couple of possible fortcoming responses -

General sociological problems such as crime would be just as bad whoever was in charge.

And the recession only kicked in a couple of years ago so, although its a legitimate point, it doesnt explain this supposed 'disastrous noughties' I keep reading about.

Just why has life under Labour been so shit? Because in my eyes its been pretty stable and certainly so in comparison to the social divide that we endured under the Tories with strikes, social unrest and riots illustrating genuine hardships and grievances and not baseless grumbles.

On crime, I would rather vote for a party who wants to lock up a paedo for life rather than 'rehabilitate' and free after 5-10 yrs giving them the chance to reoffend and possibly attack my daughter.

Financially I'm much worse off under labour since I'm self employed - they increased corporation tax from 19 to 22%. They are also taxing cars out of existence - I don't think they appreciate or even care about the fact that people who live in the countryside simply need a car to get from a to b.

I've saved money for my daughters future but under Labour I'm finding that the rate of inflation is outstripping interest rates so she is losing money in real terms.

My grandad hates them for stealing peoples pensions but I don't know the details of this?

I've never agreed with the whole concept of inheritance tax since I believe people should be able to work and save money for a better life for their own children rather than govt coffers.

Labour promised a referendum on Lisbon then went back on the promise. Not saying the Tories have never done this just not in my lifetime. As a result I'm at risk of getting rats around my house because the EU decided on fortnightly bin collections. Should I take it to the tip Labour? My tip is 1/2 hr drive away so that would be damaging to the environment.

Petrol prices have gone through the roof.

Alcohol prices have gone through the roof.

The only Labour policy I have partially agreed with is the smoking ban, although it's made loads of pub landlords bankrupt and I think pubs should be allowed a specific smoking room for people who want to smoke.

These are the reasons I will be voting Tory.

Thank you for replying as I requested ie the Labour policies that has directly effected your life and the people around you.
I think it would be extremely unfair of me to make the point I intended to make because
a/ I havent seen you post, like some others have, in an exaggerated manner about Labour's failings. Instead you have laid out, sensibly and articulately, how they have failed you.
b/ If I made my point in response to your excellent post it would appear that I was in some way belittling your concerns (which are genuine and legitimate).

So instead I will respond to my own post above and make a general statement.

We have genuine causes for complaint against the Labour government. Just like we would under any government that has been in power for well over a decade.
But generally speaking they pale considerably against what we had to put up with (and suffer) under the Tories through their sustained stint in power.
law74 said:
tax the fcuk out of gas guzzling 4by4's unless the owner can show a genuine business need for having that type of vehicle (i.e a farmer)

I drive a 4x4 because I live in the countryside and I wanted to buy the safest car possible for the long trips up to CoMS and to take my daughter to visit her grandparents which I do about 5 times a year.

I work from home so I hardly drive it otherwise.

Why should I be taxed to fcuk????

I know salesmen driving round the country in golfs who pollute the planet far more than me.
Lucky Toma said:
Just why has life under Labour been so shit? Because in my eyes its been pretty stable and certainly so in comparison to the social divide that we endured under the Tories with strikes, social unrest and riots illustrating genuine hardships and grievances and not baseless grumbles.
Taxes are much higher to fund increased spending on the NHS & education system. The former seems to have improved to a noticeable degree but the latter hasn't.

Brown initially did a good job stabilising the economy and ensuring regular & steady growth but we've failed to capitalise on that. It's like getting a load of overtime regularly but, instead of putting it away, spending it. When the "overtime" ran out, we had to borrow to make up the difference. As a country we're in the equivalent position to the rags under Glazer, mortgaged to the hilt with borrowings we can barely support and will have to cut back spending very steeply to recover.

In addition, in a period of growth, jobs should be created in the private & public sector but under Labour, virtually all new jobs have been created in the public (government) sector. As we cut spending, many of these jobs will be squeezed. Also the level of poverty has increased.

The credit crunch was not just a product of the American banking system but also of ours. Companies like Northern Rock, Bradford & Bingley, RBS, etc. lent far more than was prudent and this government failed to ensure the controls were in place to ensure this didn't happen.

They acted quickly and decisively to stop it escalating into a much worse crisis but it was a crisis of their own making. Plus we had the worst of the recession and will be the slowest to come out of it.
Labour's campaign seems to be all about scaremongering and deception. They've finally admitted after months of denials, that they will have to make spending cuts and following the latest farcical budget, Darling admitted the cuts would need to be worse than the "Thatcher" years that you're all now telling us were so bad that we better not vote for the tories. These cuts will result in job losses, and with the manufacturing sector in decline (13% gdp as apposed to 20% under the tories), this will result in an increase in unemployment.

As for high interest rates and subsequent inflation, this is now controlled by the bank of England thanks to Gordon Brown (although this policy was a "key plank of the Liberal Democrats' economic policy since the 1992 general election.[10] A Conservative MP Nicholas Budgen had also proposed this as a Private Member's Bill in 1996, but the bill failed as it had neither the support of the government nor that of the opposition").
Labour's campaign seems to be all about scaremongering and deception That's risible after listening to Dave and Georgie boy for the last 6 months whose sole tactic has been personal vilification.

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