Wigan FA Cup post-match thread

Bollocks was the team wrong. Sterling is 23, he has played too much this season already. Stones and Laporte didn't cost us the goal and Otamendi has looked dodgy against Basel too, needed a rest. Kevin desperately needed a rest. Sane and Silva were wank, and Bravo did nowt wrong but you've nailed your colours to the mast on him.
Funny how we lost then dont you think?
I hoped Pep would have played his strongest 11 except for Bravo. We could have brought lesser players on when we were winning. We have 6 days until the Final. We missed Silva when he was subbed, there's a reason he has such a long run without defeat. Danilo was hopeless, Sergio was off form, Bravo's one shot on target=one goal reminded me of last season, I would have liked to think Ederson would have saved that one. IMO we should have started KDB and Walker.
I actually thought Silva had one of his poorest performances tonight - left a lot of his passes short and rarely opened them up. We looked more of a threat when Kev came on. David will be fine but is a little off at the moment - understandable given his circumstances. To be fair Walker made an error and that ended up costing us the game but he's been magnificent so far. We really need a result on Sunday just to put some silverware in the cupboard - reward for playing possibly the best few months of football ever played.
Assaulting players no, of course that's not ok, but they are small time and are celebrating a victory over the best team in the world currently - if we're to start crying over that then we are another step towards becoming just like that lot across the road.
How are we currently the best team in the world?
Ok lets tell it as it is.

Wrong team. Well if you want to go through it is. Bad enough to start without sterling Kevin and otta but to remove sane and then dave was madness. Factor in bravo should e called upon and we were fucked. You rotate players to keep them fresh , maybe a desreved rest. Well Edison never has owt to do, doesnt need a rest ffs. These frindge players are exactly that. Not good enough for a starting place. Why now are they?

The rag ref.
Clearly bent. Hes actually written delphs name on the yellow card before switching. That can't be right at any level.

Our team is a machine , a machine with cogs, take a few cogs out and we dont work. We know they are after us. Do you honestly think the powers that be want us sweeping all domestic trophies? Not a chance, they saw their chance and took it and we didn't have the side out to recover.
In a nutshell our own fault.

We had enough chances to go in front and control the game we missed some sitters.
Just can't understand the inconsistency in refereeing this season. How is that Delph challenge worse than the appalling ones on our players this season? Disgusting!
I bet we get charged with failure to control our players for the way they surrounded the alty fan after the yellow card suddenly changed colour- I think the last time we were charged with this offence was at home v Chelski when a certain alty fan was the referee

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