Wilfried Bony

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pudge said:
@BluePhil8 said:
blue ranger said:
Makes me laugh when I read people saying he isn't good enough. He is a fantastic player with his back to goal and will be an ideal foil for Aguero. It's fair to say Aguero and Dzeko have never struck up a good partnership.

It's almost as if txiki can't win with some people - maybe these were the ones 18 months ago saying we should go balls deep for Soldado and what a success he turned out to be.

So for me £30m (and I doubt it will be that much) will be a fair fee for a proven goal scorer at premier league level.
It's fair to say Begiristain's record in tge market is fair to poor.

Wasted money on Willy who looks worse than Pantilimon. Sagna doesn't look impressive at all. Mangala looks about as intelligent as Boyata. Negredo was amazing so we sell him after a year. Navas hot and cold. Fernandinho good but £34m at 28. Fernando all right.

Look at some of the rubbish he signed at Barcelona as well. Wasted £30m on Chygronschy or whatever that shit centre back was called. Signed loads of nobody's from brazil for like £20million a guy called herreroson or some shit and he never played a single game for them.
We don't win the league last season without Fernandinho and I don't think that's a bold statement.

Bony can do the same this season, if the club want to spend x amount of money on him then they'll do so.

Anyone with a mild understanding of football knows that is not remotely a bold claim.

Absolutely top drawer players can struggle when they move clubs, very few deals are absolute dead certs to succeed (or be an immediate success) and dealing with the pressure at a big club has found people out but often there is no way of knowing that they won't cope beforehand. So if Bony comes to City, he may not be a major success but he clearly has very good ability and physical attributes and the chances of him not be a very useful addition are low.
clelandgrafter said:
Manchester_lalala said:
Who do you want us to sign then? Bony at 30 million is a fair price in the current market. Not a lot of players come available in January and with the striker crisis we've had this season, can you blame us for signing another one? It's a quality signing for us if it goes through.

The fella Seydou Doumbia, who ripped us apart was being touted at around £15m in the press in November.

Hardly ripped us. Signing him would be a big risk, unlike bony. We know what were getting with this deal, can't see what there is to moan about.
Ray78 said:
clelandgrafter said:
Manchester_lalala said:
Who do you want us to sign then? Bony at 30 million is a fair price in the current market. Not a lot of players come available in January and with the striker crisis we've had this season, can you blame us for signing another one? It's a quality signing for us if it goes through.

The fella Seydou Doumbia, who ripped us apart was being touted at around £15m in the press in November.

It will be a lot more than £15m since he has signed his new contract at CSKA.

Did he ever sign that deal though?
Its seems it escalated quickly :)

anyway i don't think City is going to pay this fees if he wasn't good enough.

I read an article in the guardian about him and why city is willing to take him

here's the link :

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2015/jan/02/art-goalscoring-football-statistics-aguero-bony" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.theguardian.com/football/blo ... guero-bony</a>

He might not be the big name superstar but overall is a solid and skillfull player quiet like Negredo
Blues. There are a lot of RAGS/ WUMs and Nobs on here tonight and I'm afraid to report some of you are taking the bait.

Bony is a great signing for us, end of.

Let the RAGS come on here amd spout shite, after all they have the higher ground with a £50m+ croc on their books.

They are all shit scared at our fire power.
Swansea paid £12m for him and he's scored a good number of goals. Probably fair to say his value has at least doubled. £30m is arguably a few million more than you'd like to spend but it's January and you pay a premium. He'd fit well into our team and is a proven PL goal scorer, plus he offers absurd threat in the air. I don't know of an easy place to look and find out the break down of goals scored via header, but I'm certain that despite his height, Dzeko's percentage is quite low.

I like the signing if it comes off. In this compilation, the final two minutes or so are nothing but him beasting against us: <a class="postlink" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUMBC-23yv8" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUMBC-23yv8</a>
@nealdoyle34 38m38 minutes ago

People getting hung up on us paying £30M for Bony. We literally created a football club so we could sign Lampard. Get over yerself.

If we buy Bony, with him about to go to Africa, and Aguero and Dzeko likely to be fit by the time he returns, it tells me that we've finally realized what's been obvious for some time - Jovetic is not a striker. If they can curb his enthusiasm a bit (make him a better decision-maker), he could be an outstanding replacement for/addition to Nasri and Silva as a creative attacking mid who contributes a decent number of goals. But he's not a striker.

It also tells me that Pellegrini is planning to continue trying to play 4-4-2, otherwise, barring injury (yes, I know, we don't exactly have an injury-free recent history as far as our strikers are concerned), Bony and Dzeko would to have to split the playing time crumbs after Aguero's feasted at the table. That's not likely to make either of them very happy (or play well, in the case of Dzeko, at least).
Sometimes you need to forget the goals scored and look more at the overall player. Look at the likes of Lambert, they score goals doesn't mean they are good. I belive there would be better options out there come the summer.
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