Will prices ever drop

We import a great deal of our stuff, including much of our food.

Some years back, we voted to devalue our currency. Some people even said it was a good thing. Clue - it wasn't! What surprises me, in truth, is not that prices have gone up, but how relatively little they have gone up taking all factors into consideration. Obviously, we have to factor Ukraine and Covid into the picture.

We are poorer than we were, that's just a fact. It's showing itself in low income increases (for most) and high inflation. Mind you, some at the top end are undoubtedly taking the piss. (But if you moan about that, you're 'envious' or a 'Commie'.)

Get used to it. If you're lucky it won't get substantially worse. But I see nothing in the economic barometer to make me think it is getting substantially better any time soon. The contrary, if anything.

My advice? Be born to rich parents or develop a rare skill not easily replaced by AI.
I watched the pub quiz episode last night. Very clever. Joan wrote down the answers to use for next week’s quiz with Eddie telling her what a great idea that was.

One time, Frank in my local mentioned he’d been to a pub quiz earlier that night. I went “The capital of Chile is definitely Santiago.” He looked blank. I swear nobody seemed to watch it back in the day.
Nothing is coming down till the government have all the furlough money they paid out back in the treasury
Used to love going for a pint.
Hardly any decent pubs left round here now.
I've taken to having a beer at home on a Saturday afternoon
My local village used to be bouncing nearly every weekend.

Now you're lucky if you see 2 dozen people in the whole of the evening.

Give it 2 or 3 years and the small (proper) pubs, not big eateries, will go to the wall. How can they survive selling 20/30 pints on a weekday?

Weekends just keep their heads above water.

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