Will Tevez leave this summer?

I can't see him staying at all to be honest.
want him to stay but i do believe he will go and anyway if he stays i think we need a new captin and if he was striped of captincy he would not be happy would he ?
Yes, I think he will. He's never stayed anywhere for very long & what he said in December doesn't sound to me like something that could be resolved.

Unfortunately, his desire to go will probably mean we have to accept a fee that is well below his true value. Hope I'm so wrong.
Re: Tevez for 40 Mil ????

Vicky said:
I was just wondering..Tevez for 40mil? Lets be honest, If Andy Carrol is worth 35 Mil and Torres is worth 50 Mil then I think there needs to be a bit of reality thrown in here and personally I would want no less then 75-90 Mil for Tevez

40 mil I reckon the idiot pretend agent of his is smoking crack!!!!

Andy Carrol is worth about £15m, Torres maybe £25m. Tevez on his goal path if the last 18months is worth about £40m but then take I to account all the times he's taken the piss -(I mean if he hadn't been a **** and cheated in his woman and she hadn't ended up leaving him, the whole family would have been in Manchester last year when Tevez was going over to Argy and missing games for us, we might be playing AC Milan at home tonight; what about the club giging him time off to see his kids and he was on holiday in the Canaries with some random bird - he deserved sacking for that IMO!; and what about the transfer request and the tantrums on the pitch from time to time?) he's probably only worth about £25m!

If someone offered £40m for him I'd jump at the chance and wouldn't hesitate to get rid!
I said a long time before his transfer request that he was not here for the long haul.

Great player no doubt. However he is egotistical and not necessarily the best team player. We play pretty well without him.

Get the feeling he wants out. No problem we move on. Dzeko becomes more central.

Next year Balo, Dzeko supplied by Silva and AJ should be quite enough.

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