Will Tevez leave this summer?

my honest gut opinion is that he goes in the summer. I think he was convinced to stay on, see the season through and he agreed. but this summer, I dunno. I hope he stays, but I won't be surprised if he leaves.
Re: Tevez for 40 Mil ????

Freestyler said:
Tevez at this moment is worth 65-70mill.
That's your opinion. I reckon he is worth only 35mill, because wherever he goes, it won't be for long. We should replace him with Suarez, a similar type of player who by then will have settled into life in the north west of England and who will be wanting Champions League football next season.
Re: Tevez for 40 Mil ????

lionheart said:
Freestyler said:
Tevez at this moment is worth 65-70mill.
That's your opinion. I reckon he is worth only 35mill, because wherever he goes, it won't be for long. We should replace him with Suarez, a similar type of player who by then will have settled into life in the north west of England and who will be wanting Champions League football next season.
bull, he is worth around 60mill
and suarez? yes because he is going to up and leave liverpool already
if he wanted CL he would of joined a top 4 club in jan not liverpool
His form seems to have dipped since his agent opened his mouth again a few weeks ago.I think he will go ...but there again... who knows.
southern muppet said:
dennishasdoneit said:
what about the rest of his moves? or do you agree with my overall view that its hard to 2nd guess carlos and his agent?

Oh yeah definitely. It's Kia that's the problem. At least if we lose Carlos one small consolation is that we'll be rid of the slippery fucker.

Takes 2 to tango buddy, Mr Tevez is far from blameless here IMO !!
after that performance tonight i hope he does, he was shocking,

not just tonight i've been getting really pissed off with him for a while,

its the coming back to deep midfield to collect the ball, its not needed and as hes the lone striker it leaves us with nobody up front,

its the lack off passing to fellow players who are in a better postion than him, he'd rather take it on himself and try be the one man team.

i'll thank him for the goals and wave him goodbye, he's not iraplaceable.

hope balotelli sorts his head out coz he can be twice the player carlos is, and dezko will show why we bought him next season,
geek said:
after that performance tonight i hope he does, he was shocking,

not just tonight i've been getting really pissed off with him for a while,

its the coming back to deep midfield to collect the ball, its not needed and as hes the lone striker it leaves us with nobody up front,

its the lack off passing to fellow players who are in a better postion than him, he'd rather take it on himself and try be the one man team.

i'll thank him for the goals and wave him goodbye, he's not iraplaceable.

hope balotelli sorts his head out coz he can be twice the player carlos is, and dezko will show why we bought him next season,

oh behave - Tevex was hardly shite but its clear that playing Dzeko as the main striker and Tevez playing off him aint working which forces Tevez to go deeper and become less effective

LAst time he played up front on his own i think he may have scored a fookin hat trick

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