Will Tevez leave this summer?

apart from his goals and work rate we need him here to attract the better players out there, oddly players that are actually better than him.
What Carlos leave? not happening, just when he has almost single handedly got us into a champions league winning way of playing, no way!, we will qualify and he will leave once city have had at least a shot at Champions League Victory.

2012 UEFA Champions League Winners: Manchester City
Captain: Carlos Tevez
I think he will move on in the summer, and I think where and for what financial compensation is pretty much a done deal.

I don't think the main reason for him possibly leaving is his potential unhappiness with the club, but more so a deep temptation to play in another country, warmer and physically easier on the body. I think he's finished with Britain and want to try something else, Spain I'd say is the most likely destination.

I think around 35mil would be a good price, and we could try to bring in more creativity and speed to the midfield and maybe also another attacking fullback.

We would NOT be a weaker team without Carlos, this I'm sure of.
Re: Tevez for 40 Mil ????

BooksReject said:
kenzie115 said:
You make a valid point.

Thanks kenzie ;) I've had a few beers, so hysteria comes easy! but come on mate, surely you cant be serious? Shouldn't be in the starting eleven? I must watch a different game sometimes....

His last few performances have been awful, constantly giving the ball away with poor passes or by trying to do it all himself and running down blind alleys. My first choice starting XI would have Dzeko up front with Balo on the left, Silva on the right and Yaya in the middle.
I by no means want him to go, but if he went to Madrid, i would happily take Benzema in return.

I think he is looking very sharp this season (though admittidly i don't watch an awful lot of Spanish football)
I see all the body language experts are out again to try and back up their desire to see one of our most influential players move.....!!!!

Firstly...if he was sold Id want to know why? especially if we make the champs league and he still goes......if that happens then there is something hugely wrong behind the scenes at city.....if we dont make the champs league then i guess tevez will engineer a move for himself....a player of his calibre should be playing champs league so why would he stay.

I still think that there is a problem between tevez and Mancini......i think (and i admit i dont know but some of tev's gesticulations in the wigan game lead me to believe) that he just does not agree with some of RM's tactics in some games.....and again i think he is right.

If he goes who do you replace him with...those saying "oh its ok we have balo and dzeko".....well these people need to take another look at those players.....Balo - he has all the talent in the world and id agree he is a more skillful forward than tevez but could you really trust him to be the main striker. He is a maverick and completely nuts (in a good way) but that also makes him a bit of a liability at times.

As for dzeko - Ive seen nothing to suggest that this guy will even be fit to lace tevez boots...yes he is a decent player, yes he will try hard, but at present he is nowhere even close to the level tevez is.

so who could you buy??? there arent many in the mould of tevez......Eto'o has always been a favourite of mine but im not sure how old he is for starts now and would he even come?.....pato looks pretty damn good as well but we all know that even some of the best players int he world who look good over in europe struggle when they come here????? (Schevchenko being the obvious one) so there is absoluteyl no guarantee even if we bought someone top class that they would have the same impact as tevez has had in the last 2 years.

People are always saying that having consistency in the managerial dept is important to success and i would whole heartedly agree with them, thats why despite some slight reservations over RM i will continue to support him (though this doesnt mean i wont criticise him)...but the same can also be said of players....ferguson has been pretty good at it and has mostly kept hold of his top players at least for a few years before letting them move on...same with wenger.

If we want success and sustained success then we must keep the solid basis of this squad together....and tevez is one of those players along with kompany, dejong hart and silva plus a few others

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