Will we win the Prem / Title still possible (merged)

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Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

prestonibbo_mcfc said:
Marvin said:
robbieh said:
I think now if we beat Liverpool we don't have to worry about Chelsea, whereas before they could still have been in with a shout. But the downside is lose to Liverpool and well....
Yes, that's probably true

There's no doubt in my mind that this makes Liverpool's chances against Chelsea much better, but as you say it might well be the case that the result at Anfield will bring Chelsea back into the title race which would make tonight's result good for City.

I don't get those fans who are ambivalent about tonight's game

A title race is not just about what we do, but about what our rivals do, and Liverpool are getting every single break possible at the moment

No. You are wrong. Everything is about what we do . We cannot control what others do or don't.
No you are wrong. We can only control what we do, but the league is relative. Therefore what is good for my enemy, is bad for me, and I'll treat it as such

Hopefully, City can do the business at Anfield, and the flapping can stop.
Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

Marvin said:
prestonibbo_mcfc said:
Marvin said:
Yes, that's probably true

There's no doubt in my mind that this makes Liverpool's chances against Chelsea much better, but as you say it might well be the case that the result at Anfield will bring Chelsea back into the title race which would make tonight's result good for City.

I don't get those fans who are ambivalent about tonight's game

A title race is not just about what we do, but about what our rivals do, and Liverpool are getting every single break possible at the moment

No. You are wrong. Everything is about what we do . We cannot control what others do or don't.
No you are wrong. We can only control what we do, but the league is relative. Therefore what is good for my enemy, is bad for me, and I'll treat it as such

Hopefully, City can do the business at Anfield, and the flapping can stop.

I'm not flapping. You have a cheek, you're the one trying to perpetuate the flapping.
Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

Marvin said:
No you are wrong. We can only control what we do, but the league is relative.
So we can only control what we do ? Assuming we do, and we win the next 7 games, nobody can do anything about us, so its you that's wrong, until we lose a game, and I'd argue a draw with Liverpool will also keep us in full control.
Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

Marvin said:
sjk2008 said:
Absolutely staggered that people think Chelsea wont be arsed about the PL now they've reached the CL semis.

Good grief.
That's half the issue. More importantly is the timing

Semi-Final 1st leg 22/23rd April
27th April Liverpool v Chelsea
Semi-Final 2nd leg 29/30th April

If you don't think that's an advantage for Liverpool then I give up.

Of course, if we beat Liverpool, or draw, it may end up working in our favour. I think Chelsea are declining in the Premiership, and that will only accelerate after tonight. But it's just opinion.

-- Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:49 pm --

cleavers said:
Marvin said:
Feels like we got beat tonight because any margin for error at Anfield has now gone
You post some rubbish, but this up there with the best. "Feels like we got beat tonight" ? FFS, it feels to me like we didn't play, because we didn't, only the french surrender so easily (closely followed by the italians ;o) )
But it was a very bad result for us. If I was a Liverpool fan, I'd be elated tonight as their 2nd most difficult fixture just got a lot easier

Winning the title is not just about us. It's relative, therefore what's good for our nearest opponent is bad for us

If we draw on Sunday, it's highly likely that Chelsea will go into the liverpool game joint top. With just 3 games left I doubt they would rest players. The only problem would be fatigue or injuries from the CL first leg
Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

As we know, there are known knowns; there are things that we know that we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know.
Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

bluebobom said:
As we know, there are known knowns; there are things that we know that we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know.

We know.
Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

Stoned Rose said:
bluebobom said:
As we know, there are known knowns; there are things that we know that we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know.

We know.
No we don't
Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

Stoned Rose said:
bluebobom said:
As we know, there are known knowns; there are things that we know that we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know.

We know.

He's missing the point.

There are things we don't know but we do know that we don't know them.

Then there are other things but we don't even know we don't know them .

The difference is between what we do know we don't know an what we don't know we don't know.
Re: Will we win the Prem?

Chippy_boy said:
BobKowalski said:
prestonibbo_mcfc said:
That is not Pellegrini's style and his captain Kompany is of the same ilk. Worry not Mr Marvin.

It wasn't Taggart's style to settle for a draw either but it still panned out that way. Its a sub conscious thing.

There was nothing remotely subconscious about it that day. To everyone's amazement (well all the reds' amazement anyway) they came to us set up completely differently from how they had approached all their previous games, playing 5 across the middle and 1 up top. They came to us, deliberately and specifically set up for a draw or at least not to lose.

You said it isn't Pellers style but then nor was it Taggarts. Yet thats the way it panned out. I doubt if ManU trained that week with the intention of not having a singe shot on target but thats what happened and has happened countless times before and since. Going into any match knowing that a draw will be an acceptable result is always dangerous and has tripped up many teams. PSG went in to the game tonight knowing that all they had to do was not lose or only lose 1-0 and now they are out of the competition.

So yeah a slight worry is not unreasonable because no matter what bollocks management and players come out with it is inevitably going to be lurking at the back of the players mind. Its a bit like facing Wigan in the FA Cup at home with lots of grand talk about having studied what happened in the final and not repeating mistakes or taking them lightly and the opportunity for revenge yadda, yadda and then strolling out in the sunshine mentally unprepared for the game and getting woman slapped.

I personally think the emotion of the day and the significance of the match will tell more heavily on Liverpool than us but going into any game knowing that not losing is an acceptable result always leaves me a little bit uneasy.
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