Will we win the Prem / Title still possible (merged)

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Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

sjk2008 said:
Absolutely staggered that people think Chelsea wont be arsed about the PL now they've reached the CL semis.

Good grief.

Agreed. Tonight also gives them a significant boost psychologically when they have been looking less than convincing of late. I was hoping Chelsea got stuffed out of sight with Jose going into meltdown about his shit strikers and a black cloud of depression settling nicely over the Bridge. Now everyone from the players to fans is going to be hyped to fuck and Jose convinced he can do no wrong.

They have to play big CL games? Jose lives for these big games. Jose is currently a dog with two dicks right now which is not good. I liked Jose depressed, moody and fretting over his man boobs...and I don't mean Torres and Ba.
Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

Rather than look Chelsea's progression in isolation, people should view it through the prism that Jose is better than anyone at getting his team over the line in big games against big teams. He's most certainly better than any other manager at setting his teams up not to lose in those games.

Chelsea will go to Anfield and draw. Anyone who thinks Jose won't be totally focused on not losing at Anfield doesn't appreciate the size of his ego. Anyone who thinks he won't make his team deliver as he wants them to that day, doesn't appreciate the scope of his talents as a tactician and man motivator.
Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

gordondaviesmoustache said:
Rather than look Chelsea's progression in isolation, people should view it through the prism that Jose is better than anyone at getting his team over the line in big games against big teams. He's most certainly better than any other manager at setting his teams up not to lose in those games.

Chelsea will go to Anfield and draw. Anyone who thinks Jose won't be totally focused on not losing at Anfield doesn't appreciate the size of his ego. Anyone who thinks he won't make his team deliver as he wants them to that day, doesn't appreciate the scope of his talents as a tactician and man motivator.

Still rather have the Chavs first team fresh.
Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

Chelsea won't sacrifice the league. They're too close to winning it.
Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

BobKowalski said:
sjk2008 said:
Absolutely staggered that people think Chelsea wont be arsed about the PL now they've reached the CL semis.

Good grief.

Agreed. Tonight also gives them a significant boost psychologically when they have been looking less than convincing of late. I was hoping Chelsea got stuffed out of sight with Jose going into meltdown about his shit strikers and a black cloud of depression settling nicely over the Bridge. Now everyone from the players to fans is going to be hyped to fuck and Jose convinced he can do no wrong.

They have to play big CL games? Jose lives for these big games. Jose is currently a dog with two dicks right now which is not good. I liked Jose depressed, moody and fretting over his man boobs...and I don't mean Torres and Ba.

I agree, but with the caveat that if Chelsea draw Real Madrid in the semi final Mourinho will be consumed with winning that tie.
Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

We won't get any favours from others in the run in. It's much better to win it yourself than others win it for you and that starts with taking all 3 points at Anfield on Sunday. Something that we are more than capable of doing if we turn up
Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

wolfie1988 said:
We won't get any favours from others in the run in. It's much better to win it yourself than others win it for you and that starts with taking all 3 points at Anfield on Sunday. Something that we are more than capable of doing if we turn up

Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

wolfie1988 said:
We won't get any favours from others in the run in. It's much better to win it yourself than others win it for you and that starts with taking all 3 points at Anfield on Sunday. Something that we are more than capable of doing if we turn up
This pretty much sums it up, up to us now.
Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

pantalon violet said:
wolfie1988 said:
We won't get any favours from others in the run in. It's much better to win it yourself than others win it for you and that starts with taking all 3 points at Anfield on Sunday. Something that we are more than capable of doing if we turn up

if we dont turn up will liverpool get default points and will we be fined ?

im worried now

has this happened before ?

I think Boro got a point deduction back in 1997....Shit
Re: Will we win the Prem (continued)?

History i know, but i can't stop thinking what an utter fuck up it was losing at Chelsea with that ridiculous goal at the end. And dropping points at the Emirates last week really fucked me off as well, having started so well and getting 1-0 up against the Arsenal reserves.

Now, due to circumstances and the fact that Liverpool are playing better football, Sunday is a much more difficult task than we faced at the Emirates. So yet again we will have to do it the hard way. If we hadn't been such complete bellends at Cardiff for example, or any of the above, we could be strolling to the title now. Still does my head in.

In the emotion straight after the Emirates car crash i said that's it, we've bottled it, league over. That was probably a bit strong, but it's close. We are in the last chance saloon. No more excuses and being pleased or even OK with shit results or it is finished. Liverpool beat us and they will win the league, end of. People clinging to some idea that Liverpool will roll over and give us the title no matter the result Sunday need to wake up. They are on a mission like its their destiny. We take points off them on Sunday or it's finished. That's the mindset we need.

We need to play like our lives depend on it - they will be. And we need to do it for 90 minutes, not 20. We have not seen enough of that this season and that's why we are in this predicament. Too many times not getting going until the 2nd half, or stopping playing halfway through. At our best, we are the best team in the country by a mile, we just need to step up and show it.
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