Willy Caballero - 2016/17 performances

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Well in all honesty i will personally be absolutely furious If Bravo is even in starting 11. Sorry but Willy has proved again why he should be given prio choice in first team. He is a shot stopper. he doe not turn to mush when the pressure is on unlike bravo. He has great athleticism, And Shown again today he does have just as good passing skills of the ball as why bought Bravo.
Bravo is a complete flop. Last game against tots.. Bravo first concede He stood there on his line had no idea what he was doing. But what rages me is the Second goal there equalizer, does not even Attempt to save it. He is totally useless. And if pep keeps playing him instead of our much better keeper Willy Were going downhill. And all thanks to Pep.
He is playing lesser competition compared to Bravo this year, but I mean a clean sheet is a clean sheet.
Not a hope Bill and you know it
That's quite sad then isn't it mate. We have a back up player who will be dropped no matter how well he plays and a so called first choice player who plays regardless of how he performs. Hardly inspiring for players to join us is it.?

And yet people laughingly say pep isn't stubborn.
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