Women referees for the future?

ban-mcfc said:
they have to be better than the shitbags we keep getting, bring them on!

but i hope they can take some abuse.. i think i would end up feeling sorry for them rather than when i get angry at a man. sounds patronising but i dont think id be comfortable with a load of men shouting at a woman. although it would be discrimination to not allow them to ref.

We would have had a better deal with women refs. Gimme a lass instead of Crappenberg, Arseholekinson, and Wankerton any game of the week. And how would our CC semi-final have ended last season AND the away derby had we had a woman ref each time? I bet the ones who are the most anxious about the introduction of women refs are the shites who are making such a balls-up of it at the moment.
Benarbia's Fat Dad said:
Alright then, what about women players?

Given that there are blokes of all builds including some tiny, puny types so the game is not about muscularity and power alone, surely one day there will be a woman player who is just absolutely fantastic.

Not a single women player would grace the top 4/5 in England in my opinion. The only women I've seen as a possible exception is Marta who unlike all other women, actually plays football naturally, it looks right, she moves right, touch is right...The rest are either not good enough or strong enough, most of them both.

Saying that, given Marta's size, she'd struggle a lot also.
Refs can get hammered by the crowd. You will have to have a thick skin to cope with that and imagine if she started crying!
We've already been refereed by a woman, and do you know what, she didn't get any stick from the fans or players and no-one really cared whether she was a woman or not. She was just the referee and that was that. It got a few mentions in match reports, because it was something different, but that was that.

This historic ocassion occured on 17th July 2008 in the Faroe Islands when Nicole Petignat took charge of our UEFA Cup game.

<a class="postlink" href="http://worldreferee.com/site/copy.php?linkID=1001&linkType=referee&contextType=bio" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://worldreferee.com/site/copy.php?l ... xtType=bio</a>

prefer the ladies than this nob
Rahart said:
What is needed to be done is that ex players, at the top level, are brought in and pushed to become refs, ex players will make good refs. Once you've played and know the game at the top level, that's the main thing.
You're not going to get top-level players becoming referees because even the shittest among them are millionaires by the time they retire. But it should certainly be pushed as a career for lesser-paid lower league footballers or players who are released from professional clubs because they didn't quite make the grade. A basic understanding of what it's like to actually play football at a high level would go a long way to improving standards. Many cricket and rugby officials are ex-pros, and you can't really fault them.
Dubai Blue said:
Rahart said:
What is needed to be done is that ex players, at the top level, are brought in and pushed to become refs, ex players will make good refs. Once you've played and know the game at the top level, that's the main thing.
You're not going to get top-level players becoming referees because even the shittest among them are millionaires by the time they retire. But it should certainly be pushed as a career for lesser-paid lower league footballers or players who are released from professional clubs because they didn't quite make the grade. A basic understanding of what it's like to actually play football at a high level would go a long way to improving standards. Many cricket and rugby officials are ex-pros, and you can't really fault them.

Rugby officials get slated... just not by the players ;) Doesn't help that the rules get tweaked every couple of years though and I agree that that more ex pro's should be encouraged into it, maybe something for the PFA to look into.

Those are 2 examples of sports that have introduced technology into the officiating excellently though and the standard is a lot higher for it.
If they can keep up with the play, communicate effectively with the players and coaching staff, and generally make unbiased decisions and encourage an appealing game of footy, then great. Get them in.

Whilst I would always question the playing side due to the physical aspects of football as a 'contact sport', coaching, reffing and so on don't fall into this category so no issue for me.

However, on a more practical level can some of the smaller clubs with less resources afford it if the FA stomps into the debate and insists there must be male and female showers and changing rooms. Or did they already do that...

I don't buy into the ex-player makes a better anything argument. Look at Paul Merson, David Moyes, Stan Collymore and Andy Gray. They were tits as players and are tits now as pundits / managers. Therefore, as we alreday have these huge boobs in the game, what's the big concern over lady refs?
I'm all for lady refs. If there good enough, let them do it. However, as someone else said, the only worry is wether they could keep up with some of the players, who are super fast. Worth a go tho.

As for Keys & Gray...what a pair of dicks. Everyone is laughing at them

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