Wonder how many were at the 5-1 v Charlton 1985

Still my favourite ever game.

It was my dear late mum's birthday and it was the first time me and my dad had ever been to a game on her birthday.

The Kippax was never fuller and it was a beautiful sunny boiling hot day. When the first goal went in someone knocked my dad's glasses off in the bedlam and as he was scrabbling about on the ground trying to find them a few lads hauled him to his feet thinking he'd collapsed with excitement. Everything went perfectly that day.

Wonderful times.
Drank so much that day in the Whitworth that the match was a blur except for a mate who got stuck on the fence and then came the Bradford news. I was going out with a girl from there at the time which had a sobering effect when she was trying to get in touch with her bro (there were no mobiles in those days)
Was stood on a packed kippax with my mate titch,remember laughing at him kicking off with everyone because he couldn't see the pitch.Paul Simpson was immense that day.Vaguely remember the pitch invasion,and someone lobbing programmes out of a car windown on Maine Road.I had the game taped on video for years.
gxblue said:
i was 16 years old drunk as a skunk, paid in but missed the first half, i was asleep on the wall of the tunnel next to the away fans.if you look closely at the pitch invasion there is one person running to the north stand not the maine stand from the platt lane corner, thats me i had sobered up a bit ,but was full of sick down the front of me. nice

Ha ha, Just worked out who gxblue is from this description!!!! Seeing you run across the screen on Match of the Day or whatever the second division got covered on that day was one of the funniest things I remember from my first season! Where were you running to? Most people went towards the players or the Main Stand but you were off in your own little world.

The kippax that day was just immense. A bloke who I knew by sight lost his glasses after the first goal and watched the rest in a blur! if you dropped anything that day you had no chance of picking it up, it was that rammed!
I was in the Kippax, Police horse trod on my foot on the pitch after the final whistle, luckily it sunk into the turf but still went all colours for a couple of weeks. Never heard of martatarsles (cant spell it) in them days but I must have done a few that day!!
Quality day.

The trumpet in the Kippax....."you make me happy when skies are grey......."

Anyone remember the orange six man blow up dinghy that went round the ground.
That was mine. It didn't quite make it back to me but if you have it, do you want the oars ?

It wasn't all bad was it.

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