BlueLarry18 said:
They are a team full of c**ts. Its easy to get bitter over them ;)
They are no worse than most of the other teams like Holland, Spain, England, Germany or Argentina.
Lots of players diving doesn't justify Neymar doing it. He is a repeat offender and now he finally has a legitimate reason to have gone down.
No but he seems to be getting all the hate when they have been worse offenders in this tournament. Robben, Di Maria and Muller are just two examples of players that have been worse. Rodriguez today was rolling about just as much as Neymar.
Neymar gets it no worse than any other attacking player. He just makes a meal of it and goes over easier because he is built like a 12 year old girl. The ref tonight is known for being card happy, and conveniently he has a change of style when it suits Brazil's game plan. Maybe a coincidence but i doubt it.
He definitely has got it worse than most players this tournament. The whole world cup refs have been told to be more lenient. Still no mention about how Colombia got away with 2 red card offenses.