Worse return journey home from away game after watching City

derby away in 1990, my dad had died a few weeks before and we got snotted 6-0, just what the doctor ordered-not.
also remember ipswich away early 80,s all the way there and when we got there the old bill made us take our laces out of our boots the morons, 15 minutes into the match we go 4 nil down happy days being a blue
pedrospiderpig said:
derby away in 1990, my dad had died a few weeks before and we got snotted 6-0, just what the doctor ordered-not.
also remember ipswich away early 80,s all the way there and when we got there the old bill made us take our laces out of our boots the morons, 15 minutes into the match we go 4 nil down happy days being a blue

How come? Sorry if it's a silly question, I may be having a brain block.
Stuart said:
Jogamigmog - Are you referring to Snowy (?) and them shitheads from ( the name i can't remember ) who got what they deserved ?

No but they were sat next to me on the plane and got a right twatting when the plane landed! That flight was surreal. In a nutshell, one of my mates fell over at Poznan airport, pissed, split his head open and was incapable of walking/moving any further. He was taken off to hospital and another mate volunteered to stay with him. Anyway, he got 'questioned' by the police, had his passport confiscated but then decided to do a runner. He scaled the airport fence and headed off into the woods. He bacame paranoid, buried himself in the undergrowth and waited for a few hours. Eventually he made it back to the hotel Icar in Poznan where he met the other lad who had since been released from hospital with a big bandage sewed into his head. The two of them then decided on how they would get home, bearing in mind only one of them had a passport.

It transpired that they had to proceed to Warsaw and seek out the British Embassy in order to secure a temporary passport. Bear in mind that they didn't have any change of clothes and little money and the lad whose passport was missing was covered in shit after burying himself in the undergrowth! Anyway they travelled by train to Warsaw and managed to evacuate the train carriage of other passengers due to their unkempt appearance and B.O. By now they had fook all money and had to secure digs on a boat. After negotiating with the British Embassy a passport was secured and a trip to Warsaw Airport made to try and book flights.

Neither of them had a phone and a phone call was made from a phone box at the airport to one of the lad's dads in order to arrange payment by credit card. Trying to explain all this to Polish speaking staff at the flight desk was a nightmare but eventually they agreed to let two smelly bastards, one of them covered in shit, the other with a tampon like thing sewed into his head to board a flight back to Manchester.

It was my job to go and pick them up from the airport upon their arrival. It was now Monday night and the game took place the previous Thursday. I am telling you now that they stunk to high heaven and I had to have the windows down all the way home.

I was almost pissing my sides with laughter though upon them telling me all the shit they had to go through and I've missed tons out - you could write a book about it I'm sure but all that for a shit 0-0 draw and exit from Europe. It cost them about £800 each that trip!

I tell you what, some weird things happen to me when I'm on the piss (I'm gonna write a book one day) but that story is fucking mint. Best ever. Those two lads are my new heroes. I'm going to hide in Worsley Woods tonight in their honour smeared in my own excrement. With a tampon on my head.
pedrospiderpig said:
derby away in 1990, my dad had died a few weeks before and we got snotted 6-0, just what the doctor ordered-not.
also remember ipswich away early 80,s all the way there and when we got there the old bill made us take our laces out of our boots the morons, 15 minutes into the match we go 4 nil down happy days being a blue

the ipswich away game was late 1979, we were 3-0 down in the forst 10 minutes, eric gates took us apart that day.

it was the same season ipswich beat united 6-0 and also missed 2 pens in the same game.
lord lewis said:
Saturday April 30th 1977, Derby County 4 Manchester City 0. The Day we lost the Championship and the last time we had a serious chance of winning it.
Went with Ashton Blues Supporters Club in a minibus. Thousands of Blues packed into the Osmaston Stand along the Side and round the Corner, serious violence in there end before and during the match, i still think it was due to overcrowding. The Famous re-marking out of the penalty spot and the Sand pit of a pitch. Loads of blues including us, walked right across it at the end of the match.
i have honestly never got over this game.
The journey home has taken 32 and a half years, so far !!!!!
Regards etc etc
35 Years ago to the Day on Monday. There ive said it out loud so its out of my System now. Ive been carrying this around too long now, C'mon City !
Lokeren. Being sick in a cleaners bucket at Brussels airport. Splashed back mix of sick and soapy water blinded me temporarily and the cleaner then took his bucket away leaving me with no choice but to be sick on the floor he just cleaned. Fucking jobsworth ruined the trip.
Cambridge away 83/84 it was a 0:0 bore draw and freezing cold with no heating on the train home 5 hours of hell brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Didsbury Dave said:
Worst journey I did was after the 2-2 with Pompey, the week before we got promoted at Blackburn.

City put a train on. There was no booze. It took about 7 hours to get back. I was sat with some right bores too.

that was one tedious journey.
I was on that train too but sat with Gary Owen and Ian Cheeseman, they had a small bottle of malt with them and shared it with me and the wife, got into Piccadilly about 1 in the morning

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