worst comment

Just prior to the start of this season, I was meandering round the zoo with the missus, you know, ogling the Pied Tamarins and what not, when I happened to mention how excited I was with the new football season just around the corner. Whilst in her best efforts to feign interest, she asked "does each team start off where they finished last season?"

I nearly choked on my nobbly bobbly.

You may also be interested to hear, that during that very same day out, she also floated another classic, "are mammoths still alive?"

Fuck me.
"fcuk off Robinho you waste of space"....

The only world class player we've seen since Trevor Francis....
Some of our fans amaze me with their ignorance..
Bluemoon115 said:
Every time I take my dad he goes on about how cheap the programmes used to be, then how much better the pies were, etc.

He's absolutely right. I used to go from Blackley, two buses there, two back, programme, in to the match - two shillings, 24 old pence, ten new pence. Now, I need an MP's expenses sheet to get me past Big Wes on Joe Mercer Way, and that's before I'm in the shop and the food bar.
My eldest lad "Why arent you watching the game, you havent missed one all season."

Me "Because it doesnt start til 2.30 and its only 2.00"

Lad "It said 1.30 on the website"

ME " Yes thats UK time, so 2.30 here"

Lad " Ahhh right, so its already kicked off in England?"

I couldnt find a suitable reply at the time, I was speechless, he is 12
A very picky, but it's happened so many times this season that I want to rip the guys head off! The guy that sits behind me calls SWP "Shaun Phillips" and it gets on my tits after the 20th time every game! In fact he is worse than David Pleat for pronouncing players' names wrong. For example Onuoha, he says "Onwah"! He's just a spaz!
Right choppsy f*cker sat two away from me against Arsenal when Stevie Ireland threaded the ball to Robinho....

'watch him fookin ( he was local!!!) miss this, i bet ya, hell fookin mi....................yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh fookin great goal'!!!

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