Worst place you've ever visited/driven through in the UK?

slicky202 said:
Lomas has a lob on said:
I drive for a living and consider myself quite forutunate to see lots of the UK, anyway I live down in Somerset, and today I had to go to Liverpool, well Aintree, then to Alderly Edge, then last by no means least Merther Tydfil, sorry if anyone on here lives there, but what a hole, believe me you get in and out of there, SHARP. Scary scary place.

live about 10miles away. did you go anywhere near the gurnos mate? now that is a shit hole in merthyr. lol

penrhys is a turd hole, its on top off a big hill in the rhondda valleys and its full of smack heads. they are in the middle of knocking the shit hole down but have to re-house the scum that lives there

-- Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:25 am --

u2fme2 said:
wales..all of it

dont talk shite mate wales is beautiful. the rough places are very rough but the west especially is a lovely place to be. ever get a chance to go to st davids do it, its stunning

I was delivering two huge machines to the Hospital, on the top of the hill in the middle of that housing estate, if thats where your talking about?? Cant remember the name of the estate. And not wanting to generalize but my sat nav took me on a bit of an un timely de-tour around the town, and non of it looked nice, dont get me wrong I've seen rougher areas but I was driving through a lovely valley with lakes and views everywhere then, suudenly this shit hole appears, just a very strange leed up to it. Think it must be one of those places that isn't used to outsiders, in particular an Englishman.
Big Mac said:
citykev28 said:
did i forget to mention liverpool? jesus h. christ this is a deprived area.

also, i live in hull and if anyone knows the preston road area (near hull kr's ground), they'll back me when i say it's not exactly utopia.

I'm backing you all the way mate, i'd say it's an utter shithole.

where do you live in hull pal? and how do you get back for matches? i've lived here 11 years. travelling costs limit my attendance though.

cheers pal, kev
Lomas has a lob on said:
simonr555 said:
I had the displeasure of visiting Horfield in Bristol last year. What a complete and utter dive that is. I love Bristol itself, such a beautiful city. I was in Cowdenbeath on Saturday and that's a backwards place.
Horfield is horrific mate, very scary place, I used to have the displeasure of delivering round there a few years back, safest place there is the prison.

Gotta say that living in Bristol I dont think you were in Horfield. Horfield itself is nice, but borders onto a couple of shitholes, well Southmead/Filton to be precise, but Horfield is also on the edge of St Andrews, Bishopston and Ashley Down which are some of the better areas in Bristol....

Where abouts where you?!
north belfast is as grim as it gets. its just a big grey depressing shit hole.

then theres port glasgow, sweet jesus.
Most of the UK's cities although not great aren't that bad compared to some abroad like parts of Oakland and L.A in California and most of Mexico's cities.

However three exceptions are:

1. Stoke. It isn't regularly voted England's worst city for nothing. A turd of a city. Unfortunately some of my mates live there.

2. Coventry. Besides the cathedral area its a concrete hell hole.

3. Dover. Englands arsehole and directly contributes to why we aren't invaded, anyone crossing the channel who gazes on this city will turn straight back!
1) Port Talbot (think of Middlesbrough but twice as bad)
2) Middlesbrough
3) Workington
4) Parts of Liverpool (remember being behind a police car at a set of traffic lights and kids who can't have been older than 5 or 6 stood there gobbing at the coppers car. They didn't even look old enough to be out on their own - the kids, not the coppers).
5) Bradford
6) Parts of London, Millwall area, rough end of Islington

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