Worst place you've ever visited/driven through in the UK?

Any part of North Wales that has people living in it, loads of grim towns in the North.
Newport - major shithole
Merthyr - as already mentioned, hideous place.
softlad said:
Lomas has a lob on said:
Horfield is horrific mate, very scary place, I used to have the displeasure of delivering round there a few years back, safest place there is the prison.

Gotta say that living in Bristol I dont think you were in Horfield. Horfield itself is nice, but borders onto a couple of shitholes, well Southmead/Filton to be precise, but Horfield is also on the edge of St Andrews, Bishopston and Ashley Down which are some of the better areas in Bristol....

Where abouts where you?!

I may have been in one of those that you mentioned I'm not too sure. I was about 5 minute walk from the Memorial Ground where I was.
What would you all say is the worst part of Manchester now? Cheatham Hill has its rough parts when I was younger? Does it still?
The worst place I've ever visited is the first page upstairs at the moment!
Off the top of my head

Miles Platting
Bransholme, Hull
Scotland Road area, Liverpool

Theres a council estate in Anglesey where my mothers partner's mother used to live in, cant remember the name of it, think it was in holyhead, but my god it was a depressing looking shithole

But the absolute worst has to be parts of Edinburgh. Craigmillar and Greendykes. Couldnt believe there were still people actually living in areas like that, especially Greendykes
Can't believe how many mentions Bradford is getting! I think its a great place,full of good people and has a real soul.

In fact whats with you all slagging off Northern towns anyway? Yes there might not be much money flying about up here but at least there is some real heart and grit!

The most depressing towns I have visited in Britain are all soulless places down south or in the Midlands. Places like Ashford, Peterborough,Newbury,Luton etc.

Give me a Miles Platting crack house or a back street boozer in Burnley over those places any day.

The North is a truly beautiful and amazing place in all it's guises.

Apart from Bacup, that place is just fucking wrong!

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