Worst thing you've ever said to a girl.

I run a football club as secretary, I run an under 16's team and I play a bit of 5-a-side where I can too. She knew the words were on the tip of my tongue for months, until one day out came

"I love you more than football most of the time"

It's cliche, but it happened. She told me to get out of her sight for a while. I went to the pub and watched Super Sunday.

I have f**kin loads! These are just a few.

Me - u wanna dance
Her - yea, go on then
Me- good, get up then, I wanna sit next to your mate.

Me - what's up with your belly!?
Her - there stretchmarks.

Best one was in 5th on my 18th. A group of girls each gave me a kiss and one girl was a bit more eager than her mates. She was fit but me being a dickhead lad thought it would be ok to say ' if your fanny smells like your breath, you can piss off' got the usual evils from her mates and laughs from mine.
it's not what i said to a girl, more what she said to me

i went out on a date years ago and we were sat outside this pub in the countryside. this pissed up idiot staggered over and said something about 'you'll be getting a shag tonight'

whereas i tried to be diplomatic by saying nothing, she went 'i bloody hope so!' and did an up yours gesture like some oversexed builder

i did feel a little inadequate, and a little scared, after that.
Worst thing I ever said to a girl -

Years ago I was on a 'promise' and went back to her place.
As we were getting down to it she tells me we can't have sex because its her time of the month.
Me being a teen full of booze I decided to have a strop and got up from the living room floor and sat on the sofa.
Definitely Maybe was playing on the stereo and, as the girl lay there naked, with tears gently rolling down her face, I mimed along to the whole of Married With Children, all the time looking right at her.
'There's no need for you to say you're sorry. Goodbye I'm going home'.

The worst thing a girl has said to me -

Two weeks back just before having sex with a woman I didnt know that well she suddenly declares - for no fucking reason - 'I've had hundreds of men babe. I just love the cock'.
I think she assumed this would be a turn-on. It wasnt.
Then when I reached over for a condom she shrugged as if to say 'If you want'.
Yeah I think I'll be using protection with you love.

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