Worst thing you've ever said to a girl.

while looking at last years hoilday pictures.........

"looks like you have put a bit of weight on since last year"?

Some girl in school kept giving me shit for some unknown reason.

'You're a fucking slag who can't keep your minge in your pants and not to mention you look like a fucking retarded hippo!'

She never looked at me again.

She's had a kid at 17...says it all really.
was trying to get a taxi about years ago outside royale's in town. i was chatting this girl up but sort of knew she wasn't interested. kept on mithering her though and got a few laughs. she went in a phonebox to phone her taxi and i asked if i could stand in with her. she was happy with it and we continued to have a laugh in the phonebox. i asked if i could get into her taxi and go home with her but she didn't seem keen on the idea but didn't dismiss it out of hand. it was then that i had one of those drunken moments that make no sense other than to make yourself laugh for a couple of minutes.

i picked up the phone and rang my sister. she answered (it was about 3 in the morning) and i asked if everything was alright. my sister is confused but says yes, all is ok. i asked whether alison (my niece) was in bed and whether she has behaved. my sister starts getting annoyed and asks why i'm ringing pissed up. i said "i'm going to a mate's house for a game of cards so won't be back 'til morning" (we didn't live in same house). i told our kid i loved her and put the phone down.

this girl i'm stood with asks who i'd just phoned. i said it was the wife but not to worry because i'd cleared the way for me to go home with her.

i then recieved the biggest SLAP i've ever taken right across my fizzog. i still thought it was piss funny though.
When I was 18 I got a job in a restaurant in town. It was run by a husband and wife team and their fit daughter was a waitress. After a few weeks of sweet, sweet sexy time she asked if I was interested in a threesome. Like a dog on heat I said yes, but when she asked who I had in mind I replied - and to this day have no idea why - 'you're mum is hot'.

I lost my girlfriend and my job a few weeks after. Her mum was fit though.
Thatchersforearm said:
When I was 18 I got a job in a restaurant in town. It was run by a husband and wife team and their fit daughter was a waitress. After a few weeks of sweet, sweet sexy time she asked if I was interested in a threesome. Like a dog on heat I said yes, but when she asked who I had in mind I replied - and to this day have no idea why - 'you're mum is hot'.

I lost my girlfriend and my job a few weeks after. Her mum was fit though.

You ever get to hit the mum?
To one of Mrs Jots' former student housemates (who'd been pissing everyone off for weeks), while waiting for Mrs Jots to get back from a lecture: 'There's something weird about this house, you know. I'm sure I saw something on the stairs earlier, looking at us. Just out of the corner of my eye. Probably just a shadow or something'.

Did the trick.
one that springs to mind, chatting up a bit of a big unit in the boozer one night think i meant to ask her age instead the words just slipped out "what size are you?" the shit i got off her and her mates unreal, still ended up doing the wild thing though.
Pretty tame by the standard of other posts on here, but when a girl once asked me if I liked her perfume I said it was nice and it smelt like Mr Sheen, she didnt take it as a compliment for some reason!

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