Would you ever stop supporting City?

I wouldn't ever stop supporting City. There are loads of things that make me like my fellow supporters less (some are complete tools), and things the club do that make me think we are still run by tools, and as a sport I think football is getting worse not better. But I think of City as my team, the players play for me and nobody else. It makes me blank out all the shit that surrounds it all.
I can't think of any circumstances whatsoever why I would ever stop supporting City.

The only exception would be if we suffered a Wimbledon-esque scenario then obviously I wouldn't support the franchise team (In Wimbledon's case MK Dons), and would throw my weight behind a newly formed AFC City or whatever they'd call themselves.

If we had a particularly unsavoury owner I wouldn't be happy about it but I'd still support the team nevertheless.

The thing about following a football team that many non-football fans simply don't get is that it lends much to blind loyalty and little to commonsense. As an example of this, I remember a story back in about 1990 when there was talk of a merger between Hibs and Hearts - a kind of Edinburgh super-club so to speak. It could be argued that it was commonsense in that the merged club would've been in a stronger position to take on the Old Firm but where football is concerned (and particularly rivalries between local clubs) commonsense goes out of the window and blind loyalty amongst fans of both clubs took over meaning such a move could never happen. The Proclaimers (both Hibs fans) were dead against the idea and even wrote a song voicing their opposition IIRC.
I'd stop attending matches for a variety of reasons - but I wouldn't stop watching the televised ones, wearing my shirt whilst playing football in the park or checking this forum daily. Not unless City personally caused me problems or something. I can't think how they'd manage to do it!
lets face it, i think city have done there best over the years to embarrass us. but that hasnt stopped us from supporting them. no matter what division, how many overpaid players, fake chants being played in the ground and cup defeats to lower league teams we have and will always have great support.
city is in my blood and theres nothing in the world that wold stop me supportin city, theres nothing like supporting us, and ide rather be dead than a red! ctid!
nashark said:
Just wondering under what circumstances would you give up supporting City?

Obviously, it would be incredibly difficult to do after having supported them for so long, but there must be certain circumstances where the club no longer represent you.

ConnorMCFC said:
Just imagine the players looking at a sea of 30,000 foam hands

Reading this post from another thread would perhaps make me think twice about renewing my seasoncard. I'd also be unhappy if we played music after we score, and if the club let some **** with a drum turn up. Imo, no traditional inner-city club should resort to any of that shit and if they did, I'd consider whether were my club.

If the prices went above what the average City fan could afford would also deter me.

What about you? Under what circumstances?

When hell freezes and pink goldfish piss diamonds is when i will stop supporting City...Got my cloud with a view booked for when im gone too.(next to me mum)
DannyBoy2890 said:
MCFC BOB said:
I'm going to have to start going less in about a year or two, and giving up my seasoncard will be hard, but my girlfriend is supposed to be moving here in around a year or two, so I've got to help her settle in here.


city will be around all your life, this split ass will quite possibly not!!

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