Would you ever stop supporting City?

after all i've been through with them, just like many of us
i find it unimaginable that i would ever stop supporting city now
mcfcgaz said:
I would never stop supporting city, but certain things may make me go to the game less

I have a small slice of MCFC - the history, the history before I was born, the players. It's part of the DNA. I am programmed to think sky blue. Nothing on Earth would prevent me from SUPPORTING MCFC.

There may be occasions where yer fall out with a current situation - some employee of MCFC pisses yer off but they come, they go and MCFC and Me carry on, and on, and on, into the crematorium and then to a star in the sky lookin' in on all the matches for free until the universe vanishes.
I'll always support them, but I managed to give my season ticket in 1996 and didn't have another until last season.
gerrygowsjockstrap said:
What a stupid question! Any true blue would never even think of giving up their support. Like has been said. Would not want some prick with a drum in the ground. But I would still go on supporting city. I turned up all the way through the inflatable craze. Nothing can put me off. The only thing that may stop me ever renewing my season ticket. Would be the day they increase the price beyond my means. But that would not mean I did not support them. City till I die & if there's an after life. There as well!

This mother fucker nailed it! CTID!
SkyBlueLion79 said:
gerrygowsjockstrap said:
What a stupid question! Any true blue would never even think of giving up their support. Like has been said. Would not want some prick with a drum in the ground. But I would still go on supporting city. I turned up all the way through the inflatable craze. Nothing can put me off. The only thing that may stop me ever renewing my season ticket. Would be the day they increase the price beyond my means. But that would not mean I did not support them. City till I die & if there's an after life. There as well!

This mother fucker nailed it! CTID!


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