Would you grass

brooklandsblue2.0 said:
mtinadids said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Rather die than be labeled a snitch. That's just my view.

You being serious? lol. You been watching "the bill" or something?
seriously if you were on deaths door this view may change a touch.

In answer to OP. Yeah i'd grass immediately. The tax gap is around 42 billion at the minute. In other words the average working man only pays so much because of people like this.
Also the person earlier on who made the ridiculous comments about immigrants. If it wasnt for people from other countries who pay so much per year into 'our' economy then 'we' would pay even more. However from your statement i'll assume this is too difficult for you to understand anyway.

wow. this is interesting. certainly not trying to start an argument as obviously its your opinion but..im assuming you have experienced death to someone close etc in your life?And you still believe this?
As i say just interesting for me.

I am 100% serious, I could not care less what other people do, this guy has a case of the green eyed monster, these people may have had a relative die or something, if he spent more time working and less time curtain twitching......
Yes i would. I am fed up of hearing about people with no intention of working robbing the rest of us blind. It disgusts me, that there seem to be a lot of people taking the piss out of decent hard working people and expecting them to fund people who can work but won't. I have no problem in assisting those in real distress, or who cannot work for physical or mental health reasons, but when i read things like the op wrote it sickens me. Dob the fuckers in they are stealing from all of us and laughing in the faces of the millions in this country who are supporting them.
mtinadids said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
mtinadids said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Rather die than be labeled a snitch. That's just my view.

You being serious? lol. You been watching "the bill" or something?
seriously if you were on deaths door this view may change a touch.

In answer to OP. Yeah i'd grass immediately. The tax gap is around 42 billion at the minute. In other words the average working man only pays so much because of people like this.
Also the person earlier on who made the ridiculous comments about immigrants. If it wasnt for people from other countries who pay so much per year into 'our' economy then 'we' would pay even more. However from your statement i'll assume this is too difficult for you to understand anyway.

wow. this is interesting. certainly not trying to start an argument as obviously its your opinion but..im assuming you have experienced death to someone close etc in your life?And you still believe this?
As i say just interesting for me.

I am 100% serious, I could not care less what other people do, this guy has a case of the green eyed monster, these people may have had a relative die or something, if he spent more time working and less time curtain twitching......

huh i messed up the response. Obviously meant for bb.2.0 and not myself!
I would most definitely.

They are parasites, and I'll bet now they were calling for the heads of MPs over the expenses scandal.

People like this piss me right off. I have two children and would absolutely love more, but financially it would be too much of a struggle at the minute........couldnt afford to take the time off work for 6 months, never mind the cost of actually raising kids. And yet then I read stories about how some scroats have 10 kids , parents don't work (obviously) and they are given the equivalent of my salary in state benefits..........perhaps its me whos the stupid one.
Swales lives said:
Yo BB2.0 "Get rich or die tryin'"

BB2.0 unusually I agree with him. I'm with the "Goodfellas" school of grassing. What Joe Pesci thinks about "rats" is my mantra.

It was make believe, much like the world you would aspire too.

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