Would you grass

fuckin too right i would drop the fuckers in it, this country is going to the wall cos of work-shy gets like these, only read 1st 3 pages of this thread. i'll bet she is some fat fucker with greasy hair,mis-spelt tattoos & lounges round on her fat arse watching Jeremy Kyle ! bet he is never out of the pub and the kids are all walking round in gold chains and black tracksuits, and bet plod & welfare workers are banging on their door at all hours, grass em.... better still go round there and shoot the fuckers..... RANT OVER.... V.Meldrew
Swales lives said:
This neighbour, eating you up is ruining your life. I work, pay all my taxes, got 2 kids and my wife is at uni, incurring big debts. I don't give a flying fuck what other people are doing. We'll deal with all that crap ourselves. Me grassing a ne'r do well won't pay my taxes, or reduce my overdraft.

Happiness comes from within, not your neighbours life. Fuck 'em. Karma 'n all that.

I'm a firm believer in whatever anyone else does doesn't pay MY bills - but it does grind on me, I must admit!!
Swales lives said:
Yo BB2.0 "Get rich or die tryin'"

BB2.0 unusually I agree with him. I'm with the "Goodfellas" school of grassing. What Joe Pesci thinks about "rats" is my mantra.
are`nt these the pond life he so hates, hypocritical prat
ernesto said:
Swales lives said:
Yo BB2.0 "Get rich or die tryin'"

BB2.0 unusually I agree with him. I'm with the "Goodfellas" school of grassing. What Joe Pesci thinks about "rats" is my mantra.
are`nt these the pond life he so hates, hypocritical prat

I think I agree with you too. Normally I can't be arsed deciphering your posts, but I think I get you this time.
Cheesy said:
black mamba said:
If they'd done something against me or my family and i had a hatred of them then yes .... otherwise no.

In a country where some employers don't even want to pay you the minimum wage i find it hard to blame people for attempting to 'playing the system' , or getting away with what they can ....... you can work a lifetime yet come out of it with next to nothing.

That next to nothing would be a few quid more if benefit fraudsters hadn't stolen nearly a billion pounds of taxpayers money.
Two wrongs don't make a right, naturally, but that amount is less than 1 quarter of what corporations 'stole' last year through tax avoidance.

I always find it interesting how benefit fraud is perceived and tax avoidance is not even on anyone's radar. One could possibly argue one is a "working class" crime and therefore worthy of pillory in the press and the other is seen as "upper/middle class" and possibly even "victimless" crime and therefore not worthy of a mention. Why, you could even go as far as to say it's because the press do not want to upset their paymasters by doing so.

Btw... shop them!
bluemoon27 said:
I go out to work and graft my arse off all week long but work as slowed down lately and money is tight,which im sure a lot of people are in the same boat,not grumbling about it though just got to ride the storm really,anyway a neighbour of ours is claiming all the benefits under the sun never worked and her fella lives with her and their 4 kids ,not all his,and he claims as well but does it from his parents house and goes out to work as well cash in hand.Well they dont pay rent or council tax or anything,they have just bought an 06 audi S4 and they say with cash,which is probably true as i cant see them getting it on the tick if there not working,they are forever buying new things(tele`s,garden furniture etc) and it fookin annoys me that they take these libertys and ive been thinking about bubbling them but cant bring myself to do it as im not like that.
Question is would you do it

Fuckin damn right i would!, get on it now and dosomething about it!

I got 2 people living next door to me with 2 kids who are exactly the same, complete wankers neighbours aswell, banging all times on the night and morning, playing music whenever they want and sit at home all day and do fuck all, their fuckin idiots, absolute scum of the earth, new tvs, videos, computers and garden furniture everyweek, they'll will never do a days work in their life, they got no respect for anyone and none for my family who live in my house with me, get them reported, it's scum like that who are bringing this country down!
Stick 'em in if it makes you feel better.
It won't reduce your taxes or increase
any benefits you may be entitled to
I sometimes wish i was like them and
didn't give a fuck 'cause at the end of
the day these people seem to have a better
time of it than the likes of me or my own Father (dead at 58)
who bust our balls trying to make an honest living.
It really does make me question who's right and who's wrong.
I wouldn't mind a life of fulltime fishing!!
Leave it be. Whatever happens happens is what i like to think but if you do grass on them then make sure they dont find out its you because by the sounds of things there one of those pain in the arse lets kick off in the street with about 15 of us at your door types
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
You just don't grass, on anyone. It's what I believe in, if you can live with yourself and deal with the consequences then you have a very strange logic.
You sound so noble and morally superior. It must be your SAS training. But I bet you'd be the first to grass them up if they were immigrants.

And pray tell, how far do you take this ridiculously warped mustn't-grass-on-anyone logic of yours? Does it include burglary? GBH? Hit and run? Rape? Murder? Paedophilia?

You're the one with the 'very strange logic'.

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