Would you send your kid to private school?

we should all be made to do what the state tells us is good for us

they know best after all
mayo31 said:
If a kid is thick it does not matter what school they go to

However if they are bright it does.

My son is a straight A student in a normal comprehensive. If we could have got him to a private school he would have possibly been even better. Not totally academically but in terms of outlook.

We try and get him to think past his surroundings but it is difficult but I also think his surroundings and peers help make him who he is.

It works in several ways. Pros and cons.

That just isn't true. A good school might not make a difference to a motivated clever kid, but it will make a big one to a kid who may be struggling. Then there is always the old school tie. The old adage of 'it's not what you know, but who you know' is a truthful one.

My daughter was straight A's all the way. She took the entrance exam for Bury Grammar and sailed through. We knew we couldn't afford to send her, but there was a few scholarships available so we made her sit the exam.
She was adamant that she didn't want to go to a private school and wanted to go with her mates. So after she sat the exam we didn't bother to apply.
Her teacher was more than a little miffed with us. A boy in her class had won a scholarship and his results were nowhere near as good as hers.
She softened a little and said that our daughter was clever enough to do well at whatever school she attended, which turned out to be the case.
denislawsbackheel said:
I went to Burnage Grammar in the 60s.

Fuckin' awful school.
Staffed by sadists and paedophiles. Foxley was famous for it but the cops could never pin it on him. Disgusting creep of a man. Used to take you down into the gym changing rooms on your own. Make you strip and change into shorts while he watched then beat the fuck out of you with a slipper. He was also forever taking photos of boys in the showers. Dead now ,happily, so no need to delete the post.

If you ever need a hug or a spank let me know x
schtipps said:
After sending my son to a normal school and then deciding to send him to boarding school, i have experience of both private and state education systems. Whilst, many state schools can be very good, it's a postcode lottery and can be hard to compare to a private boarding education. Boarding school offers a far more rounded education in my opinion, developing solid foundations and preparing them as adults. It is a lot more difficult for the children and a form of tough love. I know that may sound strange, but growing up in a shit area doesn't make you tough!
My mum and her brother went to boarding schools and 50 years later neither have ever truly forgiven their parents for doing it, you can see how it has effected their lives (they were quite young) . Recently my mums cousin showed me a letter my mum had written from school as an 8 year old it was heartbreaking- I am sure sometimes it can be good at an older age and don't want to condemn circumstances I dont know but to some kids being sent off to school at an early age can effect them for life!
OB1 said:
EalingBlue2 said:
OB1 said:
Lovely idea that all state schools were superb but the fact is that they are not.

Our local state primary school was failing my twin daughters so we felt that we had to take them out and put them in a private prep school: we did not believe that the local options for secondary eductation in the state offered the standard of education that our daughters needed and wanted to make sure that they could get into a suitable private secondary school. The difference was massive and now they are in year 9 at one of the top 20 (maybe 10) girls' schools in the country.

Fucks me off hugely that I have to spend all that money on education on top of the tax that I pay but nothing is more important to my wife and I than our children and we deem the sacrifices involved in getting them the best possible education worth it.

I agree with you that it is outrageous that anyone had to pay for private education for any other reason than religion or snobbery. Education is the future of any country and sny half decent country should have s great system of state education that caters to all and means private education is an unnecessary luxury and never as you say an educational necessity!

My comments in prior posts relate to where a good state education is available of the local schools are crap then something clearly needs to be done s out it and the government responsible should be turfed out

I don't do political discussion on Blue Moon but I don't think you can blame one government or party. I am not a political historian but the current situation in education seems to me to be the product of failures and errors by local and national governments over many years. As a grammar school boy, I must confess that I have never been a fan of comprehensive education.

I think all parties are to blame and yes where education is an issue like the inner cities it is a long term problem. Unfortunately society now values money above education and people vote for a third tv funded by tax cuts ahead of proper investment in education. Also sadly great professions such as teachers, doctors etc are now treated as almost servants by people who think wealth and celebrity is far more inportant that intelligence and character!
Don't think I would ever send my kids to a private school if I had any. The privately schooled are a different breed of person, and not one I particularly like. Private school kids are just entitled spoilt snobby twats, regardless of background and home life. If I ever had the money to send my future children to private school, I would never do it, because I wouldn't like the person they would inevitably become.

Where I lived there was a private school close by and the kind of people that go there are just twats. Used to hear all sorts of stories about how they all do drugs as well. Not just weed but much stronger stuff.

Also a private school education doesn't directly mean better performance at school. There's a hell of a lot more pressure on the child as well because they know mummy and daddy have paid thousands for them to be there. I struggled with the pressure of GCSE's and A Levels anyway, with that added pressure I don't know if I'd have coped.
schtipps said:
After sending my son to a normal school and then deciding to send him to boarding school, i have experience of both private and state education systems. Whilst, many state schools can be very good, it's a postcode lottery and can be hard to compare to a private boarding education. Boarding school offers a far more rounded education in my opinion, developing solid foundations and preparing them as adults. It is a lot more difficult for the children and a form of tough love. I know that may sound strange, but growing up in a shit area doesn't make you tough!

Worst thing you can ever do is send your kid away to boarding school
callumcity said:
schtipps said:
After sending my son to a normal school and then deciding to send him to boarding school, i have experience of both private and state education systems. Whilst, many state schools can be very good, it's a postcode lottery and can be hard to compare to a private boarding education. Boarding school offers a far more rounded education in my opinion, developing solid foundations and preparing them as adults. It is a lot more difficult for the children and a form of tough love. I know that may sound strange, but growing up in a shit area doesn't make you tough!

Worst thing you can ever do is send your kid away to boarding school
That is a ridiculously simplistic statement to make.

My son went to boarding school at 13 and after a difficult year or two it's been the making of him. I see him just as much as I ever did beforehand and when I offered him the option of living with me for a couple of years while he did his A-Levels his eschewed that option with definitive aplomb.

If you want to spend half an hour with us both before the Burnley game to re-evaluate your preposterous assertion, then I'm more than happy to effectuate that. I doubt you'll find a more loving father and son combo.

I know he would find the notion of the education he's received to be anything other than in his best interests to be utterly absurd.
I went to William Hulme back in the 80s and 90s and it was evident a number of the teachers were weird and in some cases Peados. That's not slander quite a few went down for it.

I hated the place from the minute I went to the minute I left. Mainly because my family were skint and I was allways the knobhead with a second hand blazer and Woden lacrosse stick while all the kids from hale were getting dropped off in Mercedes I went on my bike! I remeber an Asian kid called Reuben sing being brought up in assembly and praises for being a self made millionaire aged 17! He actually turned up for school in a yellow Ferrari. Self made my arse - at the time I was working in a bar. On the turnstiles at City and helping a window cleaner on Saturdays! For about 30 quid a week. Message is don't send a kid to private school if you don't have a pot to piss in.

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