Would you send your kid to private school?

I think a lot of people (especially on the left) read too much in to the elitism. Again they are throwing Ad Homs towards an are they don't understand. Yes there are few schools which hold values that belong back in the Victorian era but with most the emphasis is on education.

Some state schools are bloody awful where bullying is rife with poor teaching. Emphasis is on keeping order rather than education. If parents who have the money want to give their kids a better environment then fair dos. Other parents choose to go on flash holidays, buy the latest gadgets and what not.

Do people on the left share the same opinion about people who drive brand new Mercs or Audis on the the road? Or about people who get to travel around the world on expensive holidays?

I don't begrudge either types of schools, I just don't slate parents who send kids for private education.
Rascal said:
Paulpowersleftfoot said:
Rascal said:
No. Never. Not even if somebody else offered to pay.

I would close them all down tomorrow. They are an anachronistic throwback to days of Empire, designed to perpuate the elite and maintain privilige.

If they do remain, i would make anyone educated at such a place automatically barred from Parliament, the judiciary and any other public office.

The bitterness is tangible

Im not bitter at all.

In my world nobody would have to pay to send kids to a private school as all schools would be superb. The most intelligent would get the best education and chance to expand there horizons and the least intelligent would get the best education and the chance to expand there horizons regardless of social standing or wealth. Argue against that if you can?

I tend to read the comments on here without first looking who has penned them. When I read the utter bollocks in your first comment, I knew it was you before I'd even seen your name on the left hand side. You would honestly bar somebody from a particular profession because of a choice their parents made? If the government tried passing a law that excluded people from certain offices if they grew up on a council estate, you would be all over it like a rash, and quite rightly so, as it is wrong to discriminate based on social class. What you suggest is no different.

We don't live in your world (thank fuck!), so your second point is irrelevant.
After sending my son to a normal school and then deciding to send him to boarding school, i have experience of both private and state education systems. Whilst, many state schools can be very good, it's a postcode lottery and can be hard to compare to a private boarding education. Boarding school offers a far more rounded education in my opinion, developing solid foundations and preparing them as adults. It is a lot more difficult for the children and a form of tough love. I know that may sound strange, but growing up in a shit area doesn't make you tough!
gordondaviesmoustache said:
sir baconface said:
Kippax Street 1880 said:
No. Not even as a billionaire. If I was a billionaire I wouldn't send my kid to school at all.

If I was a billionaire, I'd pay someone to procreate on my behalf.
If you were a billionaire, SB, I'd happily be your fluffer.

A tempting offer, GDM, but I'd have interns to perform that service.
EalingBlue2 said:
OB1 said:
Rascal said:
Im not bitter at all.

In my world nobody would have to pay to send kids to a private school as all schools would be superb. The most intelligent would get the best education and chance to expand there horizons and the least intelligent would get the best education and the chance to expand there horizons regardless of social standing or wealth. Argue against that if you can?

Lovely idea that all state schools were superb but the fact is that they are not.

Our local state primary school was failing my twin daughters so we felt that we had to take them out and put them in a private prep school: we did not believe that the local options for secondary eductation in the state offered the standard of education that our daughters needed and wanted to make sure that they could get into a suitable private secondary school. The difference was massive and now they are in year 9 at one of the top 20 (maybe 10) girls' schools in the country.

Fucks me off hugely that I have to spend all that money on education on top of the tax that I pay but nothing is more important to my wife and I than our children and we deem the sacrifices involved in getting them the best possible education worth it.

I agree with you that it is outrageous that anyone had to pay for private education for any other reason than religion or snobbery. Education is the future of any country and sny half decent country should have s great system of state education that caters to all and means private education is an unnecessary luxury and never as you say an educational necessity!

My comments in prior posts relate to where a good state education is available of the local schools are crap then something clearly needs to be done s out it and the government responsible should be turfed out

I don't do political discussion on Blue Moon but I don't think you can blame one government or party. I am not a political historian but the current situation in education seems to me to be the product of failures and errors by local and national governments over many years. As a grammar school boy, I must confess that I have never been a fan of comprehensive education.
foxy said:
I think a lot of people (especially on the left) read too much in to the elitism. Again they are throwing Ad Homs towards an are they don't understand. Yes there are few schools which hold values that belong back in the Victorian era but with most the emphasis is on education.

Agree. And given that influential left wing MPs/opinion formers like Diane Abbott, Jeremy Corbyn and Polly Toynbee all sent their kids to private schools I don't see why other people shouldn't do the same if they can afford it.
Just to add to the debate, I worked with a teacher who was shit, really shit. It was his first year teaching, but even considering his lack of experience, he was poor. School couldn't get rid of him quick enough when his temp contract ended. 3 months later he got a job in a private school with parents paying for him to teach their kids. Are those children going to get a better education than the children in state schools with better teachers?

BTW - I bumped in to him a few months after he started at his new school and asked him about it. He said it was shit and they didn't even have basic equipment (I know this isn't typical of many private schools.). Also said the kids were "still fucked up, just in a different way to other kids."
If a kid is thick it does not matter what school they go to

However if they are bright it does.

My son is a straight A student in a normal comprehensive. If we could have got him to a private school he would have possibly been even better. Not totally academically but in terms of outlook.

We try and get him to think past his surroundings but it is difficult but I also think his surroundings and peers help make him who he is.

It works in several ways. Pros and cons.

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