WTF was all that about with Balo.

blumoonrises said:
fuk,wish i'd never started this thread now :(

was only wanting to know why Balo was late onto the pitch ffs.

Ha ha..! you're a very nasty man...

I think TTTCHYBOY actually means that tbf.<br /><br />-- Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:29 am --<br /><br />
conormcfc said:
90% of the replies in this thread are an embarrassment.
yer right there conor,
i only wanted to mention why Balo never came on for the 2nd half.
Didn't want a lynching mob.
vallens said:
There were quite a few close ups and his face didnt look swelled to me .
It seemed to be something the referee could see, enough to send him off for treatment.
Spiros said:
Some people on here aNUre so fucking thick it makes my eyes water.

All these fucking hardmen calling him soft having absolutely no fucking idea about what actually went on or why he was suffering.

The only thing he's done wrong here is insisting he can play when he clearly can't. If you want to blame anyone (because you're fucking arseholes who have to have your pound of flesh) blame the backroom staff who are injecting him with allsorts because the guy is desperate to play.

Did none of you deluded fuckwits see his eyes absolutely streaming on one of the close-ups of him?

No it's just convenient to come on here and shoot your stupid fucking mouths off as you're sat on fat fucking arses with 6 cans of Stella.


Fuck off and support someone else.
Give this man a medal.
It was pretty clear something was wrong with him. Dont understand why Mancini chose to laugh thought. Perhaps it was from disbelief?

As for the Kiev grass setting off a reaction I can also believe this 100% as it happens to me. Not Kiev grass though before anyone asks. As soon as I set foot on the Welsh coast I get hit by it. When I get back to lovely Manchester it clears immediatley.

I dont think its down to Balo but more pointed at the staff for lack of preparation and being totally blind to the fact at half time.

Also, I wouldnt say he played much "shitter" than anyone else

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