WTF was that on MOTD?

BrianW said:
My complaint to the BBC

Not for the first time, I detected a strong bias against Manchester City FC among your professional commentators. There was no significant mention of the quality of the performance, nor of the exceptional skill shown in scoring the first and fourth goals in particular. Instead time was wasted discussing the alleged attitude of Mario Ballotelli, a young player whose on-pitch behaviour has improved so significantly this year that it should be obvious even to casual observers, let alone 'experts'. There seems an unremitting determination to seize upon the slightest negative aspect at City, and to give as little credit as possible for the many positive aspects. This attitude contrasts strongly with the deferential coverage given to certain other clubs, especially Manchester United, Liverpool and Tottenham, who are dealt with almost as if they are sacred institutions beyond criticism. At a time when the BBC is being forced to make significant economy cuts, I would suggest that one cut that would be entirely painless would be to dispense with the couch of critics altogether, just show the matches (with commentary) and allow the football action to speak for itself. Alternatively there are any number of 'lads' who could be dragged in from pubs to make ignorant and bigoted comments about the various teams, and who could be employed at very modest cost. My particular objection to the obvious bias of your pundits is that I am *forced by law* to buy a TV Licence - therefore I expect objectivity and fairness. At present I am not receiving this, and I think it is outrageous.

I know it's a PITA writing stuff like this but maybe, just maybe, if enough people complain something will be done about it.

Can i have the same email address you sent this to please?
Yet wankers still say there is no bias against City.<br /><br />-- Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:15 pm --<br /><br />
Lucky Toma said:
I'm seriously gobsmacked here. Genuinely bewildered. Was that a parody for Comic Relief or something? What the fuck????
A great over-head kick from Balo. A mature unselfish performance from the lad where - instead of looking disinterested as he is often accused of being in the media - he was berating team-mates and bang up for it. A sensational pass from Milner followed by a glorious goal. And a final twenty minutes that was reminiscent of Leeds v Southampton in '72 only without the showboating flicks and advertising hoardings promoting the virtues of Duckhams Oil.

And those absolute cunts spend their entire summary chuckling away as if they've just been mildly entertained by the antics of Bobo the fucking Clown! Swiftly followed by somehow clumsily squeezing in another cum-fest over the rags....who were shit today....whilst we went top of the league playing fantasy football at times with a centre-backs waltzing through a previously unbeaten side's defence for fun.

Can you imagine how they would have been if the roles were reversed? If City had got lucky at Anfield. If Hernandez had scored with the overhead kick. If Rooney had sprayed a majestic fifty yard pass before following up with a sublime curler.
They would have had to play 70s German porn music over the analysis.

'Ho ho ho....he'll get a red card at some point...ho ho ho' What? Like Rooney did last week Shearer you tufty-haired ****-flap? Letting down his country YET again.

It defies belief. Seriously, it just defies belief.
All of this
if it was that little mexican shit for united it would be passion, but coz its city its bad behaviour!!!! mario is still growing up, he will learn from every game!
It's JEALOUSY and FEAR plain and simple. A new order beckons.

The little lad from school who was a loser and got bullied has gone away in the school holidays, grown a foot taller, beefed himself up on the weights, learned how to box and is now staring at the bullies ready to knock em the fuck out.

Will be extremely interesting to see what they come up with if we beat Utd at weekend....................
Rooney has a dog shit game against us last season and scores an over-head kick and MoTD and the rest of the fuck wit media wanks and cums blood over it.... Mario puts in a man of the match performance and scores an over head kick and the only thing these 2 cunts go on about a "spat" Mario had with Yaya over the fact of a poor pass made..... If it was Rooney it would of been passion but cause its Mario he's a red card waiting to happen fuck off.....

I've come to the conclusion that Hansen and Shearer are racist...
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
Rooney has a dog shit game against us last season and scores an over-head kick and MoTD and the rest of the fuck wit media wanks and cums blood over it.... Mario puts in a man of the match performance and scores an over head kick and the only thing these 2 cunts go on about a "spat" Mario had with Yaya over the fact of a poor pass made..... If it was Rooney it would of been passion but cause its Mario he's a red card waiting to happen fuck off.....

I've come to the conclusion that Hansen and Shearer are racist...

I´ve come to the only conclusion possible - that they are both "James Hunts"
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
Rooney has a dog shit game against us last season and scores an over-head kick and MoTD and the rest of the fuck wit media wanks and cums blood over it.... Mario puts in a man of the match performance and scores an over head kick and the only thing these 2 cunts go on about a "spat" Mario had with Yaya over the fact of a poor pass made..... If it was Rooney it would of been passion but cause its Mario he's a red card waiting to happen fuck off.....

I've come to the conclusion that Hansen and Shearer are racist...

Is it coz he's Italian?

Really can't understand why commentators don't like him as he's a character but has the skills to back it up.
Why couldn't we have beaten Villa 4-1 today. Warnock and Dixon, probably couldn't be further from Hansen and Shearer if they tried.

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