WTF was that on MOTD?

adrianr said:
Why couldn't we have beaten Villa 4-1 today. Warnock and Dixon, probably couldn't be further from Hansen and Shearer if they tried.
MOTD2 is infinitely better than its big brother on saturday night. It tends not to take itself too seriously, and it usually has a current player or manager guesting in the studio on a sunday night compared to Darby and Joan the night before. Even Colin Murray. I wouldn't go as far as saying I've takena liking to him, but I definitely don't dislike him as much as I used to. Plus, he's more entertaining than Mr Mogadon Lineker.
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
Rooney has a dog shit game against us last season and scores an over-head kick and MoTD and the rest of the fuck wit media wanks and cums blood over it.... Mario puts in a man of the match performance and scores an over head kick and the only thing these 2 cunts go on about a "spat" Mario had with Yaya over the fact of a poor pass made..... If it was Rooney it would of been passion but cause its Mario he's a red card waiting to happen fuck off.....

I've come to the conclusion that Hansen and Shearer are racist...

I think racism does play a part with the media's treatment of Mario. The way he looks (haircuts and all) frightens gutless, establishment pundits and they've rushed to judge Mario quicker than they would a white player in the same situation. You'll NEVER get a sole to admit it, but it's part of why he's judged the way he is. It's a small thing, but it's there all the same.
YourBirdCanSing22 said:
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
Rooney has a dog shit game against us last season and scores an over-head kick and MoTD and the rest of the fuck wit media wanks and cums blood over it.... Mario puts in a man of the match performance and scores an over head kick and the only thing these 2 cunts go on about a "spat" Mario had with Yaya over the fact of a poor pass made..... If it was Rooney it would of been passion but cause its Mario he's a red card waiting to happen fuck off.....

I've come to the conclusion that Hansen and Shearer are racist...

I think racism does play a part with the media's treatment of Mario. The way he looks (haircuts and all) frightens gutless, establishment pundits and they've rushed to judge Mario quicker than they would a white player in the same situation. You'll NEVER get a sole to admit it, but it's part of why he's judged the way he is. It's a small thing, but it's there all the same.

why would a fish need to admit racism?
Cmon, time to stop getting wound up about this, and start laughing at how far their inability to put their feelings to one side will go. They're hardly fooling themselves, let alone anyone else.

BTW did anyone hear Hansen's voice quivering when he was talking about Ferdinand not getting a second yellow? This is CLASS telly, as long as you just take it for light drama and comedy. Forget about straight reporting, this is miles more entertaining.
BrianW said:
My complaint to the BBC

Not for the first time, I detected a strong bias against Manchester City FC among your professional commentators. There was no significant mention of the quality of the performance, nor of the exceptional skill shown in scoring the first and fourth goals in particular. Instead time was wasted discussing the alleged attitude of Mario Ballotelli, a young player whose on-pitch behaviour has improved so significantly this year that it should be obvious even to casual observers, let alone 'experts'. There seems an unremitting determination to seize upon the slightest negative aspect at City, and to give as little credit as possible for the many positive aspects. This attitude contrasts strongly with the deferential coverage given to certain other clubs, especially Manchester United, Liverpool and Tottenham, who are dealt with almost as if they are sacred institutions beyond criticism. At a time when the BBC is being forced to make significant economy cuts, I would suggest that one cut that would be entirely painless would be to dispense with the couch of critics altogether, just show the matches (with commentary) and allow the football action to speak for itself. Alternatively there are any number of 'lads' who could be dragged in from pubs to make ignorant and bigoted comments about the various teams, and who could be employed at very modest cost. My particular objection to the obvious bias of your pundits is that I am *forced by law* to buy a TV Licence - therefore I expect objectivity and fairness. At present I am not receiving this, and I think it is outrageous.

I know it's a PITA writing stuff like this but maybe, just maybe, if enough people complain something will be done about it.
Hanson and Shearer out Pam in !
Pam said:
Hansen with his rag worshipping bizarreness has known for a long time that he can get away with saying whatever he feel like saying, however moronic, dishonest or vindictive....

We rented a skip the other week to get rid of ancient gardening stuff and/or some other completely redundant shite cluttering up the house. In the course of preparing to vacate the premises, Emma and her relatives went around emptying out drawers and cupboards around the shop. Then they go into the changing rooms and try stuff on without buying the actually like. A plague of locusts is pending and the rats are dead.

I'm still intrigued to this bizarre random post. Has there been any update on Emma and her relatives? lol

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