Yaya-Keep or Sell?

I have always thought that Yaya was an important part of the team, his pace might be going, or his impact isnt at the hhigh level it once was, but I have seen the other players look up to him and him protecting some of them during games. That's a big part of a team structure, and to rip that oout and start all over aggain takes time.

Hence I do think Pep will give him a chance, which is good, it's up to him. If he leaves it will be because he didnt put in the right sort of effort and commitment. That is an important message to the rest of the team.

But just swapping all the current squad of players for a new team was never going to be on the agenda imo, and Yaya stay
I think that is as much to do with the general shiteness of the whole team under a fucking awful manager.

Yaya was fairly crap last season but so were most of the squad. The difference has been that we make excuses for Silva or Aguero et when they put in half arsed performances, they are 'carrying an injury' or 'tired' etc. In Yaya's case it's always that he's lost it or is lazy. The whole team lost it & were lazy imo.

I suspected when Seluk started talking about Yaya moving, that if necessary he would keep him hanging around like a bad smell until we got desperate to offload, & caved in to his demands.

If however Yaya has had a chat with Pep & both are actually happy to play football, then Seluk's plan goes out the window, which might be why he is so bitter about Txiki in recent press. Seluk never wanted Yaya at City in the first place & dissed us then. He came anyway.

If Guardiola thinks he can do a job, he'll do a job. If he doesn't he will most likely be gone soon.

Either way I don't think Pep will have any animosity around. He'll just deal with it in a nice calm manner & it will be sorted.

I really hope he has decided he wants to play for Guardiola.
You fairly confident he still has it in him to play a meaningful role then? Do you want to see him sitting in midfield spraying passes around with plenty around him to do the running and do you think he has the discipline for the role? I know the accusations from many were him being lazy, for me the issues were as much him not recognising his own limitations. He was still trying to play like a box to box midfielder at times and ended up just floundering and doing neither one thing or the other. That and playing under a fucking awful manager, obviously.
You fairly confident he still has it in him to play a meaningful role then? Do you want to see him sitting in midfield spraying passes around with plenty around him to do the running and do you think he has the discipline for the role? I know the accusations from many were him being lazy, for me the issues were as much him not recognising his own limitations. He was still trying to play like a box to box midfielder at times and ended up just floundering and doing neither one thing or the other. That and playing under a fucking awful manager, obviously.

I agree, he was trying to be something he's not anymore and Pellegrini was too frightened to tell him this, letting him do what he wants. It will be difficult for him to keep his discipline and not bomb forward and attack the opposing box because Yaya is hungry for goals and glory. He will need positional discipline and would do wonders in the Alonso role IMO.

If there's anyone who can discipline Yaya its Pep. It will also be in Yaya's best interest to listen to Pep or as soon as he keeps bombing forward and leaving openings in midfield he will be subbed.

We have an abundance of attacking talent in the the final third and don't really need Yaya's goals anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I was also hoping that Yaya leaves, but being that I am a die-hard fan, I try to look at the positives of him staying.

As of now it looks like he is staying, unless everybody is playing the game of making him look important so it would be easier to sell him. IDK

I trust Pep and his ability to handle egos. Yaya like Zlatan has a huge ego, Zlatan bumped heads with Pep and suffered the consequences. Yaya will either listen to Pep, trust him, work for him or he'll be benched.

Sheikh Mansour loves Yaya, yes.

But if its between Yaya and Pep, Sheikh Mansour will look to the future and choose Pep. There is no question about it. Pep has the backing of the whole organization and IMO he will bring many trophies with or without Yaya.

Yaya will either accept his new role and show everyone he still has something left in the tank or he will be forced out.

IMO its an easy decision, who has more to lose the club or Yaya???

The club could easily suffer and pay his wages for one more year even if he does just sit on the bench or is banished to the reserves, I mean we do have the money, I actually think this could benefit us because we would show everyone that no player is bigger than the club.

If Yaya is benched for the season he will lose everything. Inter or any other club in the top leagues won't come knocking next summer. He won't be able to demand high wages and his footballing career could finish prematurely or he could choose to go to the MLS or the racist Chinese league which are both bad options.

According to reports Yaya is doing extra fitness sessions, it already seems he's listening to Pep but its still early.

Its all in his hands, we shall see if he makes the right decision.
You fairly confident he still has it in him to play a meaningful role then? Do you want to see him sitting in midfield spraying passes around with plenty around him to do the running and do you think he has the discipline for the role? I know the accusations from many were him being lazy, for me the issues were as much him not recognising his own limitations. He was still trying to play like a box to box midfielder at times and ended up just floundering and doing neither one thing or the other. That and playing under a fucking awful manager, obviously.

One would hope that Yaya is mature enough to realise that if he wants to play regularly, he will have to be very disciplined and basically sit in front of the centre backs and play quarter back. If he does not play with the required discipline, Pep won't use him.
You fairly confident he still has it in him to play a meaningful role then? Do you want to see him sitting in midfield spraying passes around with plenty around him to do the running and do you think he has the discipline for the role? I know the accusations from many were him being lazy, for me the issues were as much him not recognising his own limitations. He was still trying to play like a box to box midfielder at times and ended up just floundering and doing neither one thing or the other. That and playing under a fucking awful manager, obviously.

I think Pellegrini's whole setup of the midfield was a joke which involved Fernandinho or Fernando effectively being Superman because Yaya was treated as if he was a 25 year old. If the fullbacks covered midfield like Pep's usually do then it might not have been so bad, but we had wide fullbacks & wide midfielders/wingers with people like Silva & Aguero doing token effort to close down leaving no pressure on the ball.

I think Yaya is shit defensively, whether he's trying or not & was shit even alongside Barry & DeJong in that area whenever given any kind of responsibility. But as a bonus defensive player with no set marking or tracking responsibility & a footballer with license to just pass, like Kroos, I think he could be fantastic. IF he wants to do it & loses some weight.

The derby when he was clearly asked to track Fellaini & we got fucking murdered, should have been the last time we ever saw Yaya in that kind of job. The fact he was still doing it a year later, is unforgiveable & unfair imo.

If Pep thinks he can be a playmaker & it doesn't work kut, at least we can see a solid football reason for him thinking it could.
All of this will he or won't he go, is just pure conjecture at this moment.

Pep will know Yaya is a great passer of the ball, but that his legs have now gone (compared to when he first arrived at City).

I have 100% confidence Pep will figure out a way to utilise Yaya's talent effectively, in what looks like his final season with us.

Plus, I'm sure Yaya will want to restore his tarnished image with us in his final season and leave with a very positive legacy, considering what's gone on over the last two seasons, (both on and off the field, although I blame the useless manager we had, more than Yaya for the on the field stuff).
A fit and motivated Yaya is still a massive asset to the team

He could easily fulfil the role that Alonso has filled for the past three years at Bayer, playing the base of midfield and controlling the tempo of the game

he just needs to be drilled to be more disciplined and not to try and be the box to box midfielder of old.

Gundogan and Ferna will do the running in midfield
I think Pellegrini's whole setup of the midfield was a joke which involved Fernandinho or Fernando effectively being Superman because Yaya was treated as if he was a 25 year old. If the fullbacks covered midfield like Pep's usually do then it might not have been so bad, but we had wide fullbacks & wide midfielders/wingers with people like Silva & Aguero doing token effort to close down leaving no pressure on the ball.

I think Yaya is shit defensively, whether he's trying or not & was shit even alongside Barry & DeJong in that area whenever given any kind of responsibility. But as a bonus defensive player with no set marking or tracking responsibility & a footballer with license to just pass, like Kroos, I think he could be fantastic. IF he wants to do it & loses some weight.

The derby when he was clearly asked to track Fellaini & we got fucking murdered, should have been the last time we ever saw Yaya in that kind of job. The fact he was still doing it a year later, is unforgiveable & unfair imo.

If Pep thinks he can be a playmaker & it doesn't work kut, at least we can see a solid football reason for him thinking it could.
It's interesting to ponder whether Pellegrini was hanging him out to dry as it were by asking something of him that he couldn't do or whether Yaya was actively still saying he wanted to play in that role. Either way it is clearly a managerial issue, I suppose. I'd find it a bit of a worry if Yaya was still asking to play in that role.
It's easy to say that Yaya can play an Alonso style role but in practice that's a very dramatic change for the player. I understand that Pep is very secure in his own skin and far more likely than any manager we've ever had to change it if it isn't working but we are going to become a high press team and in that type of system it is beyond essential that every player execute their movements. Yaya is more than capable of doing this generally but he's prone to giving up on individual plays or for minutes at a time and that's simply not going to work with they way we are going to play, especially if he's deep and needs to be able to not just distribute but also drop in between his CBs when the situation dictates. Which means he can't be 25 yards up the pitch walking back while his two CBs have to deal with the entire counter alone.
It's interesting to ponder whether Pellegrini was hanging him out to dry as it were by asking something of him that he couldn't do or whether Yaya was actively still saying he wanted to play in that role. Either way it is clearly a managerial issue, I suppose. I'd find it a bit of a worry if Yaya was still asking to play in that role.

I can't imagine Yaya asked for a marking job on Fellaini or to stand in the middle of 6 Liverpool players whilst they passed the ball round him, he doesn't seem like that kind of guy ;)

I think Demichelis is another who suffered the same way, in part because of the way Yaya was being used. I don't think he would have been as bad, with more cover & a whole team working to recover the ball. Aguero & Silva would just give up trying to press, because nobody was behind them, so it was a stupid waste of energy & they knew it imo. Sterling the same.

9 players plus Yaya, all pressing the play equals 10 players pressing imo, he will do it just the same as the others. Instead of lumbering 40 yeards he runs ten.Then he gets on the ball & hopefully has the energy & mental sharpness to make the right play.

In theory ;)

If it looks like he can't or won't, Pep will ditch him pre season anyhow.

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