Yaya Toure apologises

Seluk is a direct proxy for Yaya, he is a **** and i want him fucked off, could not give a fuck how many great games and how important he was, i really could not. I want the fucker out and i'd drag him myself. Don't bother reminding me about this and this, the man is a complete prick and his name will not be remembered fondly by me.
Seluk is a direct proxy for Yaya, he is a **** and i want him fucked off, could not give a fuck how many great games and how important he was, i really could not. I want the fucker out and i'd drag him myself. Don't bother reminding me about this and this, the man is a complete prick and his name will not be remembered fondly by me.

I second that mate! Ruined his own legacy!
It's a shame, Yaya had the opportunity to go out looking good and the fans thanking him for his time. Cutting his nose off to spite his own face. Pity.
Please leave silently and try and retain some dignity.
When an employee repeatedly throws shit (by proxy) at his employer in public doesn't it warrant a legal termination of his contract I wonder. Sack the ****!
The fuckwit Seluk obvioulsy can't help himself and maybe that was part of Pep's plan knowing that verbal incontinence would follow. Neither Toure or his gobshite agent must visit here or read the papers or they would know how far out of step with popular opinion they are.
Seluk is a direct proxy for Yaya, he is a **** and i want him fucked off, could not give a fuck how many great games and how important he was, i really could not. I want the fucker out and i'd drag him myself. Don't bother reminding me about this and this, the man is a complete prick and his name will not be remembered fondly by me.

Well said matey.

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