Yaya Toure apologises

I have no objection to an ultimatum being given to Yaya but you bring him in and speak to him in person preferably with his agent there rather than announce it at a press conference.

And the same can be said of his agent. He should be talking to the club if he and his client have an issue, not spouting off in the media at every opportunity. Excuse the colourful language but Seluk is a complete **** and, as sad as it is, so is Yaya by association. He has been the puppet master all along in this soap opera I've got not doubts about that.
Dont agree with the notion this move by pep was because yaya is 33 and is not the same player as before, pep is spot on this. I really liked how he passionately said that he first needs to appologise to manchester city, that should be the spirit. No one is bigger than the club. You cant have agent or a player drag the name of the club into the dirt whenever things dont go according to plan for them. i loved balotelli and still do but after his departure its only yaya's agent shannigans that have brought shame to the club i dare say, so i am happy pep has put an end to it

There's no way he would have done this if Ya Ya was integral to the squad. He's not an idiot and neither is Txiki.
No, we should be doing what is best for Manchester City Football Club and fucking off anybody who is trying to destabilise all the good work we're doing.
Yaya has made it clear in the past that his agent speaks for him and anything that comes out of his mouth is with his blessing.
It's gone on for too long and finally we've put a stop to it. Your way of looking at it is fucking bizarre. Nobody is bigger than the club, especially a player who's best days are long gone.

Spot on!
I don't like this.

Yaya a legend here so many great moments.

This needs to be fixed, and tell the agent to shut up.

With the greatest of respect, I think that you need to grow a pair & strap in for the ride, because this is a war that was started by Yaya's prick of an agent a long time ago, and until now, they've always had the upper hand & therefore City have had to tread carefully.

Pep has come in, assessed the situation & decided that the player is no longer of any use to him, so all the signals in the world were given to him over the summer that he should look for a new club.

He chose not to do that (as is his right), but once he did that, he was well aware that the likelihood of him getting playing time was very slim. As was always going to happen at that point, Seluk has opened his big fat gob, and Pep has retorted by saying "not on my watch"!

This is long, long overdue, and quite frankly, after the way Yaya has disrespected the club through his agent over the years, I couldn't care less whether Pep spoke to him beforehand about this. If I'm honest, he could go and take a shit in his bed & I'd probably applaud!

This is going to drag on until at least January, so Pep needs to starve the fat prick of the oxygen of publicity, by sticking to his position that he's made the club's stance on the matter abundantly clear & won't be making any further comment on the matter. Do that, and Seluk is shown up for what he is; the mouthpiece of yesterdays man, standing in the corner having an argument with himself that he's already lost!

Fuck him & fuck Yaya - I'm sick of his shit! Thanks for the goals, which you were paid handsomely for - now there's the door! And don't come back!
No, we should be doing what is best for Manchester City Football Club and fucking off anybody who is trying to destabilise all the good work we're doing.
Yaya has made it clear in the past that his agent speaks for him and anything that comes out of his mouth is with his blessing.
It's gone on for too long and finally we've put a stop to it. Your way of looking at it is fucking bizarre. Nobody is bigger than the club, especially a player who's best days are long gone.
You appear to think I disapprove of disciplining Toure that is not the case. But we should be informing him we are disciplining him directly and preferably announcing it through a club statement.
If we have told him directly I do not have a criticism though I think the announcement would have best been made with a formal statement.
There's no way he would have done this if Ya Ya was integral to the squad. He's not an idiot and neither is Txiki.
So if his agent had disrespected Pep and the club but Yaya was still half decent you think nothing would be done?
It has been reported that Yaya did not know about this until it was announced at the press conference. If this is the case that is poor from City in my view. Yes the agent is a prick and one of the things that makes him a prick is shooting his mouth of in public, we do not need to follow his example.
I have no objection to disciplining Toure over this, but we should be giving him due process as an employer not copying his agent and conducting negotiations and discipline through press conferences.
I think he's had more due process than any employee anywhere in history....goodbye yaya you burn't out along with your legendary status, all because you allowed your employee to rule your working life
When you think you can't love Pep any more!! What a great statement to make, snd totally spot on.

I love Toure, and he will go down as one of the greatest players in our history, no doubt, but his agent is a dick and seems to have free reign to shoot his mouth off. What Pep said, and more importantly, the way he said it, was spot on.

We're doing things SO right at the moment, made even sweeter by those over the road, doing things SO wrong.
You appear to think I disapprove of disciplining Toure that is not the case. But we should be informing him we are disciplining him directly and preferably announcing it through a club statement.
If we have told him directly I do not have a criticism though I think the announcement would have best been made with a formal statement.

You can bet your bottom dollar that dialogue between City, Yaya and his agent has been going on all summer. That's how City work, keeping their counsel and not being idiots in the media washing their dirty linen. This is a calculated move by Txiki and Pep, I'd have a guess on the back of Ya Ya refusing to go of his own accord (for financial reasons I'd assume) and pulling a sickie last week and, presumably on the back of this illiterate turd of an agent not responding to reason behind the scenes.

What's funny is that he hung himself with that interview on Sky, showing himself to be of extreme low intelligence. I bet City are pissing themselves.
I wish some posters would look at EVIDENCE rather than play guessing games. He got rid of Ronaldinho and deco etc etc when they were far from past it.
Does anybody honestly believe that Pep hasn't spoken to toure privately about his agents behaviour? Toure and seluk are proven liars. How anyone can say it's poor form from City is ridiculous.
Pep has clearly lost patience and decided to publicly state his position rather than constantly answer questions about toure and the ramblings of his turd of an agent.
It lays the matter to rest.

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