Yaya Toure apologises

Didn't the "shit club" comment come out quite awhile ago? That one seems to be reported as new and I swear we already heard that one before.

Im also sure its an old swipe at Txiki, not Pep and he has regurgitated it and tried to pin it on Pep.
Your blaming Yaya for this?

Fact is Pep has a history of terrible man management. Eto'o, Ribery, Ibrahimovic, Ronaldinho, Yaya. So putting all the blame on Yaya is stupid.

I for one hope Yaya doesn't apologize and I will think higher of him if that is what happens.

But at minimum you should respect what Yaya gave to this club over the years.

Yaya hasn't been at anything. Seluk does not equal Yaya. Even if Seluk represents Yaya, then they are not the same person. Fact is that if anyone has anything to apologize for it's Seluk, not Yaya.

Anything else is just mindbogglingly idiotic. Its appropriation of blame of the worst kind. And all those people supproting Pep in this don't even see the baseline manipulation that is at play here. You got hooked line and sinker.

And if anything this should have been handled behind closed doors, not in public.

Yaya should not apologize. And if he does apologize for anything, certainly not because Pep blackmailed him into it.

Fact is that one guy wants a second guy to apologize for what third guy said. And is using blackmail in order to achieve his goal.

Look at it that way. Its obvious that Pep is a dick.

You are going ad personam. But its interesting that NO ONE said a single sentence that is of substance. My post history is irrelevant. If you think I'm talking rubbish then show your opposing point of view. Absolute rubbish is not an argument. As is 'your post history speaks volume'.

Anyway, I've said my piece and I'm done.

Nice to see that there is only one acceptable point of view on this and anyone that voices a different one is bashed to silence. Good luck with your facist approach, guys.


You know nothing Jon Stakes.
Sorry, but one last food for thought. Just quoting but a lot of sense in this:
When did Yaya become responsible for something his agent said? As far as I remember, the agent was giving his personal opinion not speaking on behalf of Yaya.
Yaya should speak to his lawyers about suing Man City for constructive dismissal. He is being denied the chance to practise his trade because of an issue which he is not responsible for.


Yaya Toure : "Everything Dimitri said is true. He speaks for me....."

During Cakegate.

Yaya Toure : "Everything Dimitri said is true. He speaks for me....."

During Cakegate.

There you are straight from the horses mouth. Pep clearly doesn't want ego mad players in his squad and that's what's happening here. That's why joe has gone that's why yaya is out and that's why he got rid of big nose, he wants a team that's moves together as a unit and not one fella poncing about grabbing attention for himself. Individualism detracts from the team ethic.
Sorry, but one last food for thought. Just quoting but a lot of sense in this:
When did Yaya become responsible for something his agent said? As far as I remember, the agent was giving his personal opinion not speaking on behalf of Yaya.
Yaya should speak to his lawyers about suing Man City for constructive dismissal. He is being denied the chance to practise his trade because of an issue which he is not responsible for.
Fuck off back to ragworld you softarse.

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