Yaya Toure apologises

If that quote from the guardian is true, seluk will go ballistic.
It should be quite entertaining because I believe that yaya and seluk are not very intelligent.
Which quote from the Guardian?
Yaya Touré is free to join any Premier League club in January, with City prepared to allow him to leave for a direct rival. [Guardian]
City's views is that Yaya's best days are behind him and he would be unlikely to damage their chances of success at another club. [Guardian]
Yaya Touré is free to join any Premier League club in January, with City prepared to allow him to leave for a direct rival. [Guardian]
City's views is that Yaya's best days are behind him and he would be unlikely to damage their chances of success at another club. [Guardian]
Ha, that's a direct response to what Dippy Dmitri said yesterday.
The concensus seems to be that Seluk is an ass and can sling his hook. If that means taking Yaya with him, so be it; he should not team up with such a person. All that birthday nonsense was beyond childish and it's nice to see that this latest tantrum is going to result in Yaya being sent to the naughty step.
Sorry, but one last food for thought. Just quoting but a lot of sense in this:
When did Yaya become responsible for something his agent said? As far as I remember, the agent was giving his personal opinion not speaking on behalf of Yaya.
Yaya should speak to his lawyers about suing Man City for constructive dismissal. He is being denied the chance to practise his trade because of an issue which he is not responsible for.

employment law not your strong point , Toure has publicly stated that his toad of an agent speaks for him , his agent has with his childish outbursts towards his employers brought his employment and employers into disrepute , which is gross misconduct , no verbal/written warnings , instant dismissal . The club are giving Toure the chance to get his agent to apologise , if he doesnt the club will tear up his contract , you under estimate City Football Group , they will know 100 % their legal position . No doubt his poison dwarf agent will attempt to sue the club , which could take years and Toure left in limbo as a football player. Constructive dismissal my arse
We will just have to wait and find out.
Fans are notoriously inaccurate at being able to assess how good a player is and what their true ability is
You only need to look at the baboons on this forum who thought Kolarov was "wank" sterling was a waste of money
and there were even those blues who,last season,couldn't see that KDB was about to develop into one of the best players ever to play for City and one of the best players on the planet....yep,it's true,folk like me were laughed at for going overboard lol...
Who knows if Yaya is truly finished at premier league level?..we,d like to think so.. but if he has stopped making those energy sapping cross country drives to see his fancy woman, I for one wouldnt put it past him to step into a Liverpool midfield and relegate Jordan Henderson to the bench, and instantly improve that team.
Us football fans ,generally,know fuck all.

completely agree... if there is one team i would not want him to go to, it is Liverpool; he will be surrounded by runners that will cover for his deficiencies and have him dictate the football... it will be trouble for every one... i am sure the club knows this and will not let him join just anyone...

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