Yaya Toure apologises

Agreed, wonder which club would his arrogance and age profile would fit in? Answers on a postcard.

Mancini's been linked with the Valencia job.

Yaya's just retired from international football so won't be off to AFCON in February.

I wonder...
We’ve had a strong core of players who have helped this club become successful. Many of those players haven’t had the drive to sustain the success. In order to sustain success you have to stay focussed and always have a lingering feeling that should you step below the required effort and quality levels you’ll be dropped.

Nasri had so many chances to prove himself and never did, so Pep let him leave. There’s no opportunity for inconsistency in our squad anymore.

Yaya underperformed last season on a consistent basis but was never dropped. He was even handed the captaincy when Kompany was injured despite being unable to motivate himself let alone others.

We’ve put up with his agent slagging the club off and putting Yaya on a pedestal and now Pep’s fought back. He’s said until Yaya grows a pair and apologises he’s out. To the fans, the club as well as him. Yaya’s agent has no problem slating the club, maybe Yaya needs to have a word with him… either way this is excellent and it’s also brilliant timing. Our players for the most part will be buzzing at the moment, winning games, playing excellent football. We’ve won the derby, we’re clear at the top of the league, we’ve won our first CL game comfortably. And then Pep shows them that if they ever forget themselves, or how important the fans and the club are they’ll be out. This gives them a heavy dose of reality in case they were getting carried away!

There’s no time for sentiment. Yaya has been an excellent player, but he’s not been for over a year now. He’s not handled himself in the manner that anyone should if they want to be regarded as a club legend. On Saturday we won 4-0 and played incredible football. That side didn’t have Hart, Kompany, Zabba, Yaya, Silva or Aguero… our core no brainer starters for so many years… they were all out of the side and we still won with ease.
Anyone know how Yaya is looked upon in the dressing room? Im wondering if all this could have a negative impact on the team or morale
Anyone know how Yaya is looked upon in the dressing room? Im wondering if all this could have a negative impact on the team or morale

Don't know but if you recall the league cup final when Yaya scored the winning penalty he wheeled away in celebration and then looked behind him in anticipation of his teammates joining him, they however all went to Caballero instead. I may be reading too much into that but I found it interesting.
I'd pay yaya off, he's not going to feature for us again. Don't see the point in paying 250k a week when his agent is giving pep shit. Fuck him off, long overdue.

Well, Yaya has got a contract. If you want him to sign an agreement of termination you must be aware that his Trump-like agent will be sitting at the table saying:

"So we have 9,25 months left on the contract. If we are to miss the benefits of titles and bonuses and positive marketing effects on the best player I have under contract right now (eeerm) then City have to pay for lets say 20 months. And 5 months for my services. And Pep has to apologize to me. Deal?"

City can sit back. We don't need Yaya in the squad. His wages are in our budget anyway. Pep won't talk about him. In fact it's a non-topic.

And to be clear: the reason is not Seluk. The reason is Yaya Toure. He still has the chance to put things right and support his club and his team, to speak for himself and shut up or fire his idiot of an agent, who is acting like a mixture of a mafia boss and Putin being called 'Papushka' by little poor Yaya.

Yaya has no spine nor any self reflection and seems to be driven by pride and simplicity. He was an easy victim for Seluk. IMO.
Ssn discussing it, and generally on peps side. But having an argument here with a colleague , Pep never said apologize to pep , he said apologize to man city correct? Media spin now seems to be pep wants a personal apology
Ssn discussing it, and generally on peps side. But having an argument here with a colleague , Pep never said apologize to pep , he said apologize to man city correct? Media spin now seems to be pep wants a personal apology

He said to apologise to him and the club! I'm sure Jim White said that as well to yaya's agent
I like Yaya and he has been a tremendous player for the club but this is just idiotic. Yaya needs to speak up, at this rate his agent not only is he tarnishing his legacy at City but also his overall image as a football player, Pep is 100% right, you cant have parasite agents dictating formations and tactics.

As far as i am concerned Yaya shouldn't even be allowed to be anywhere near the training ground, enough is enough.

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