Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

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Re: Yaya Toure

So far all I can see is Yaya and his agent have been made to look like a pair of greedy bastards by the media.
The club seems to be making all the right noises. I just hope we don't end up giving in to him and make him and that scumbag have to apologise for their contemptuous behaviour.

Hey ho. At least it's never boring here...
Re: Yaya Toure

markbmcfc said:
Unfortunately everything as reported
We will see after world cup

Am close to my agent.. We speak on the phone

Disappointed at missing on the player of the year..

Would love to end career at barca "

It is what it is... But this really has come out of nowhere
Re: Yaya Toure

As much as I love(d) Yaya, I love my club with a passion even more.

He's just a man, a blink of an eye in the lifetime of this club. A person we said 'hi' to on our journey and shared a moment with. We move on, he becomes a memory, like Tevéz, Balo and others.

We walk on and climb ever higher.

Why would this man want to return to a league where bananas are thrown at him for his skin colour...?? Where he will be marginalised after a season in favour of a younger player and Catalan? Return there, your 'love' will be brief as it is for Balo in Milan.

I would welcome the deep pockets of Anzhi, just for the sheer hilarity...
Re: Yaya Toure

Fuck him..

I weally weally wanted a birthday cake but you know being honest with you I weally weally want to play for Barcelona. They are the best football team, being honest, this is football.
Re: Yaya Toure

MCFCinUSA said:
SebastianBlue said:
MCFCinUSA said:
I don't understand what you're talking about.

The only people coming off badly here are Yaya & his agent.

City have done nothing wrong, and neither do they need to respond publicly on such a farcical matter.

We do have a situation regarding our squad and who will be in it next year, and all that surrounds this, but that's nothing to do with PR initiatives.

It's not a PR problem we have at all, rather the opposite (if you want to look for REAL PROBLEMS that actually need our attention, thought & action)

Hmm, I agree we have other concerns (having other issues is not an argument against action for a specific one) but I am not sure how someone could argue this is not a PR concern for the club. You are correct in that it does not seem we have done anything wrong but anyone that has any experience in the business world knows that does not mean PR issues do not arise that require management. In fact, PR firms make quite a lot of money managing crises arising entirely from perception—this would be an example.

Are you arguing perception is not important to the affective management of the operations I listed above?

I've read all your posts in the last dozen or so pages and cod psychology offerings, and think you are way off base with all of it.

City do not have a PR problem here, and as others have said, suggesting we do is laughable. This whole thing (on the public pronouncements made by Yaya & his agent) is a joke. Our PR strategy, which you keep on harping on about, is probably very much an 'action through inaction' approach, or wei-wu-wei if you're familiar with Eastern philosophical tenets.

Our problem is on the pitch, and relates to who will be in our squad (who's coming in and who's going out); so what anyone thinks about any of this outside our club (other than the players we're looking to recruit & those directly involved with such) - like the folks on the street and our supporters & others, is immaterial and irrelevant.

Yaya has the PR problem right now, not City.

I'm obviously not going to change your mind. Though, I really can't understand how you can say "Our problem is on the pitch, and relates to who will be in our squad (who's coming in and who's going out)", and then indicate that PR has nothing to do with that, before saying "(other than the players we're looking to recruit & those directly involved with such)". I could understand if your argument is that we are handling it, as Dubai's is (which I am not convinced of but I understand his argument), but yours seems contradictory. Are you perhaps arguing a point I am not making?

Perception effects all aspects of business, even in the footballing world, and perception of a lack of control, or of mainstay leaving, or of poor management (even though you and I agree completely that we have done nothing wrong) does affect operations. I just do not understand how anyone with experience in the business world can argue otherwise.

It is a PR problem whether we caused it our not; whether we are handling it or not. I'm not sure why indicating the obvious is laughable.

I'm also not sure why you are so hostile toward me, as I've just been debating with fellow blues about certain points. No need to take it personally.
Re: Yaya Toure

razman said:
markbmcfc said:
Unfortunately everything as reported
We will see after world cup

Am close to my agent.. We speak on the phone

Disappointed at missing on the player of the year..

Would love to end career at barca "

It is what it is... But this really has come out of nowhere

He can fuck off then
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