Yaya Toure - Have the idiots...

The Fat el Hombre said:
Who think he's a lazy bastard and we're a better team without him (and there seems to be a lot of you thick cunts) started to realise that he is one of our most important players and absolutely pivotal to our team? And that he completely dictates our play and gives Canarian Dave and co a platform to play as well as repeatedly linking up defence to midfield to attack? Probably not....

I think it is a piss poor excuse to be honest - if we want to win the Prem then quite simply we need to have a set of players that can grind out results - its the fookin style of play that is killing us not the loss of a single player.

when you look at the fookin injuries the rags have had and are now level on points then serious questions have to be asked about the team the style of play and the manager

Its going to be the same next year because the ACON is going to happen again and Yaya will be missing again

Personally i think the football we play flatter to decieve lots of passing but generally fook all comes of it whilst we play soo fookin slow

I can see it and soo can many many City fans on here and that issue lies squarely at the feet of Mancini
I'm, obviously, one of the people who shakes his head at some of the comments from our lesser thoughtful 'fans' that type tripe!

However, I've just been on the phone to a Rag 'mate', just before I saw this thread actually, and said that Yaya was the solution AND the problem!! Hear me out...

I love that Yaya controls the play, when he in the team and he's excellent to watch, but...

Whilst he's in the team so much, we lack the game play without him in the centre. Barry and Milner are much like mirrors. While Yaya will drive on with the ball to force the play, neither of these lads will commit themselves to such a play, which is surprising considering Milner's source of game was this very thing at Villa!

Yaya, like M and B, will pass and move the ball, but crucially, will run with the ball and pass and move into the last third. M and B don't do this and this is why we're having problems getting in to the last third.

In my opinion, of course.
The Fat el Hombre said:
Who think he's a lazy bastard and we're a better team without him (and there seems to be a lot of you thick cunts) started to realise that he is one of our most important players and absolutely pivotal to our team? And that he completely dictates our play and gives Canarian Dave and co a platform to play as well as repeatedly linking up defence to midfield to attack? Probably not....

They know better now
At least UTDfan is up front!

Re Yaya s woman sits behind me cases him a donkey. Her husband calls him a water carrier. We like to think we have some good supporters but we also have a lot of tossers supporting us.
Agreed, but its not just not having Yaya. The team has been unsettled by not having Kompany, Toure, and Balotelli. Aguero has lost form. Dzeko has been abysmal since october. Silva therefore hasnt had the impact. Sami has been getting better but not influencing games enough Jonno is invisible these days.

Whilst losing Toure is massive, if enough players were in form we would have coped.
The people who don't rate Yaya are the same morons who think Dzeko is good enough to be a professional footballer. Yaya is absolutely essential to us, and I expect the deluded bell ends who said we won't miss him because we've got James Milner will now do the honourable thing and apologise.
Jumanji said:
Agreed, but its not just not having Yaya. The team has been unsettled by not having Kompany, Toure, and Balotelli. Aguero has lost form. Dzeko has been abysmal since october. Silva therefore hasnt had the impact. Sami has been getting better but not influencing games enough Jonno is invisible these days.

Whilst losing Toure is massive, if enough players were in form we would have coped.
Shaelumstash said:
The people who don't rate Yaya are the same morons who think Dzeko is good enough to be a professional footballer.

As you should apologise for making such a ridiculous assumption..
Many of those who said Yaya wasn't good enough have criticised Richards, Lescott, Barry and Milner in the past. Football fans are prone to hyperbole.

The same people now say Dzeko and Nasri aren't good enough. They need a scapegoat, but I tend to ignore them. Forums are all about opinion, but it should at least be constructive.

There seems to be a tendency to dismiss players outright, with no leeway. You're either shit, or brilliant, with no middle ground taking into account factors such as age, experience, or form.

Not that Bluemoon is that much different from the ground; I hear the same criticisms home and away.

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