Yaya Toure

pee dubya said:
We'd be half the side we are without Yaya, he's not been at his best but we have no-one who can come even close to taking his role and it's pretty tough to think of anyone we could realistically sign to replace him.
I've always thought that Nasri is the one who could play that position. Obviously they are very different in terms of size and strength but Nasri keeps possession, can defend, make a nice pass and make great runs forward with the ball
People really under estimate just what Yaya brings to the team beyond his marauding runs and sheer physical presence. He is such an intelligent and technical player. In tandem with Silva and Nasri he helps us to dictate and dominate the middle of the park and the pace of the game, and that does include slowing the game down and wearing down the opposition. As a previous poster stated his positioning and tactical nous is outstanding.

He isn't in his best form at present but he is still integral to us.
tago_mago said:
McFcMiKe7 said:
He is on 4 booking and we need him for the Derby. I would say drop him but looks like Milner picked up a hamstring injury.

This. Yaya on the bench to be called on if needed and other injuries permitting. Can't have him missing on the 9th.
I said last week hes looking 'leggy' - got slagged off as usual for speaking my mind. Hasnt been worth a starting place for the last month IMO. Problem is, due to daft summer buying, even a half performing Yaya is better than owt else we've got. Bit like the CB position - take away Kompany and we're f####d.
Better get back to his old self next week.

was a passenger today
The thing with Yaya is that our whole midfield relies on him to do what he does. When he is playing like last season that is not a problem but when he is off the boil like he has been for the majority of this season we struggle. We really need to start playing Nasri in CM as he can be the missing link we need however if we do that then Yaya would have to play a more defensive role and its something that just doesnt happen. If we get Nasri playing half as good in CM as he did for Arsenal then we will be laughing cos was just like Wilshere but better.

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