Yaya Toure

In terms of achievement for the club Ya-Ya still lags behind Bell. ie 1 league 2 domestic cups and a European trophy. So I think it will take a bit longer before I could say he's greater than the king.

As to the discussions about Tevez, am I alone in being happy he's gone. sure he won a few games for us, but there were lots where he ran around like a headless chicken. It's not just the Munich incident what about the constant transfer requests, threats to retire, his trip to Tenerife etc
Can't compare him to bell because I was only a baby when he retired, but he is the best central midfielder I have seen in my lifetime and the best in the premier league, the biggest piss take will be if he never is considered to win a PFA/Football writers player of the year award, but that goes fro Sergio, Silva and Vinny too
urban genie said:
Can't compare him to bell because I was only a baby when he retired, but he is the best central midfielder I have seen in my lifetime and the best in the premier league, the biggest piss take will be if he never is considered to win a PFA/Football writers player of the tear award, but that goes fro Sergio, Silva and Vinny too

The day we play in raggy red will be the day they win it.
Granted YaYa is magic, and without doubt one of the greatest City players ever, but what came across when watching the video clip at the start of the thread was how well he links up with merlin, we are truly blessed to have many fantastic players, but these two together are simply the best, would not swap them for any other midfield duo in the world.
number8 said:
Granted YaYa is magic, and without doubt one of the greatest City players ever, but what came across when watching the video clip at the start of the thread was how well he links up with merlin, we are truly blessed to have many fantastic players, but these two together are simply the best, would not swap them for any other midfield duo in the world.

Not even cleverly and anderson?
I think Yaya is the most talented player to have ever played for the club; incredible technical footballer, combined with pace, power, touch, vision, everything. So, so complete. However, I don't think he's irreplaceable, I think Aguero would be a tougher player to replace in this current side.
Georgian Maestro said:
Fat Chance said:
Georgian Maestro said:
As an all round package he's the best player I've seen in my twenty years watching City. He's got the lot

besides the heading and tackling.

The timing of the thread may well be swaying folk in thier opinion of him simply cause so far into this season he's been pulling it up and looks to have dropped half a stone. It's also possible folk are mentioning his acheivments from the yr befor last due to him being well below the radar last year and on plenty of occasions showing the numbest of spectators that he clearly was not fit on the pitch...he was certainly blowing like a blue whale on plenty of occasions...cant ever recall seeing the king blow.

That said i do hope he carries on in this rich form. not the best but neverthless influential to a team, brilliant at bullying and only ever kopping a yellow.

You must have forgotten the Liverpool and qpr heaers in our title winning season. As for tackling I'm from the Xabi Alonso school of thought in that I don't see it as a great attribute in the modern game

I've forgotten fuck all your honour, read me post again (think your struggling to get out of the title winning season r kid).

YaYa's also lost when tucked into a player receiving the ball to feet, if he don't get it with toe end shortly after it's arrival then opponents can easilly turn him and very seldon can he ever get back to par...though bizarrely i've seen him be successfull if the positioning of the slip means he cannot be seen to let the opponent go because of the visualisation of move....in these cases he'll turn the burners on and make a dramatic Richards-esque chase down successfully....then do fuck all for the next 4 minutes, even dropping a team mate in it by passing the ball back to them whilst they're heavilly marked because he obviouslly don't want it being lunged-out (but not pressured himself).
for me he has too many games he goes missing and shows no effort, but without doubt fantastic player when he wants to be.
colin will always be the main man imo

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