
paulgmurphyhumphries said:
Actually I have been supporting Citeh since I was 4yrs old, was at Newcastle away, when we won the league. sat on the back of a tunnel in the scoreboard as a 5 yr old, in the platt lane when we returned to the old div 1, season ticket in the north stand at 12, 28 progressed to fighting utd fans in the kippax at 16 . travelled the land and the seas in the 80sand 90s.

Yaya Toure is over the hill ,we will continue to lose games with him in midfield, his legs have gone. He has scored under 30 league goals in 7 years, Doesnt give a shit about City, remember his threat to leave last year.
By the way to those idiots who replied to my last post so poorly, I was there when Colin Bell made his comeback against Newcastle, he was quicker on one leg than Toure on 2.
72 League away grounds watching City. Morons

paulgmurphyhumphries said:
sir baconface said:
paulgmurphyhumphries said:
Colin Bell is the best player I have ever seen playing for CITY, Citeh is irony, dear, at the replies to my post.

Are you a rag because you are called baconface, I mis-typed pillock. I am sorry if it caused offence. Non was intended.
The point was if you had read it , that he was a much better player than toure. The only people who could disagree with that are those who did not see Bell play.

I can assure you you will get a medal when you have watched them as many times as me.

So why "COLON Bell"? Is that irony too?

-- Thu Nov 14, 2013 6:00 pm --

paulgmurphyhumphries said:
anyhow I am retiring from this place after 6 years. I have been to well over 1000 city games, my dad and his dad watched city all their lives,
All people do not swim in the flow.

Ah please don't go. You'll be sorely missed.

Are you replying or just endorsing my post? If the latter, thank you.
I am a little surprised that Yaya Toure is being made scapegoat for our current problems.
paulgmurphyhumphries said:
Mancini, played him every game, and got the sack, I have a lot of respect for pelligrini but if he continues to lose the same ratio of games he will be gone too. I have been called a rag, dickhead and more for my opinion. I am not the only person who believes we cannot play with toure in midfield and win anything. Just try to forgt the ball next game and watch him when City are not in possession, very very poor.
Also I do read other posts and do not use it as a weapon if someone with athritis misses the i and hits the o, as they are next to each other on the keyboard.
I didn't call you a dickhead because of your opinion, I called you a dickhead because you referred to a legend of our club as colon bell when it would have been easier to press delete twice and type in Colin you fuckin tit! Do one coach!
Stortz said:
paulgmurphyhumphries said:
Mancini, played him every game, and got the sack, I have a lot of respect for pelligrini but if he continues to lose the same ratio of games he will be gone too. I have been called a rag, dickhead and more for my opinion. I am not the only person who believes we cannot play with toure in midfield and win anything. Just try to forgt the ball next game and watch him when City are not in possession, very very poor.
Also I do read other posts and do not use it as a weapon if someone with athritis misses the i and hits the o, as they are next to each other on the keyboard.
I didn't call you a dickhead because of your opinion, I called you a dickhead because you referred to a legend of our club as colon bell when it would have been easier to press delete twice and type in Colin you fuckin tit! Do one coach!

It was a type error o is next to i - get over yourself.

Some people type and press submit without reading it back as we are not sitting an english exam. I do it all the time
paulgmurphyhumphries said:
Mancini, played him every game, and got the sack, I have a lot of respect for pelligrini but if he continues to lose the same ratio of games he will be gone too. I have been called a rag, dickhead and more for my opinion. I am not the only person who believes we cannot play with toure in midfield and win anything. Just try to forgt the ball next game and watch him when City are not in possession, very very poor.
Also I do read other posts and do not use it as a weapon if someone with athritis misses the i and hits the o, as they are next to each other on the keyboard.

colon bell sorry Colin.

But you didn't just miss the i and hit o did you rag.
If people are so worried about the i and the o key and getting them mixed up there is always the edit button to press!! Get over yourselves folks, it's a keyboard/typing error not the end of the world as we know it!!
Shirley said:
paulgmurphyhumphries said:
Mancini, played him every game, and got the sack, I have a lot of respect for pelligrini but if he continues to lose the same ratio of games he will be gone too. I have been called a rag, dickhead and more for my opinion. I am not the only person who believes we cannot play with toure in midfield and win anything. Just try to forgt the ball next game and watch him when City are not in possession, very very poor.
Also I do read other posts and do not use it as a weapon if someone with athritis misses the i and hits the o, as they are next to each other on the keyboard.

colon bell sorry Colin.

But you didn't just miss the i and hit o did you rag.

Exactly. What a dockhead.
sir baconface said:
Shirley said:
paulgmurphyhumphries said:
Mancini, played him every game, and got the sack, I have a lot of respect for pelligrini but if he continues to lose the same ratio of games he will be gone too. I have been called a rag, dickhead and more for my opinion. I am not the only person who believes we cannot play with toure in midfield and win anything. Just try to forgt the ball next game and watch him when City are not in possession, very very poor.
Also I do read other posts and do not use it as a weapon if someone with athritis misses the i and hits the o, as they are next to each other on the keyboard.

colon bell sorry Colin.

But you didn't just miss the i and hit o did you rag.

Exactly. What a dockhead.

You mean dockhead, sorry dickhead. Got bent fingers you know!
paulgmurphyhumphries said:
Yaya.,will be going nowhere. Who else would pay him those wages. Top teams seem to have all action midfielders who can run , tackle, cover, head etc. He will sit it out don't worry those of you who rate him in the same breath as colon bell sorry Colin.

I guess this post is because your team doesn't have a midfield?

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