Yet More Tensions in the States...

I do think there is an issue with Policing throughout the world. The type of person attracted to the job, the methodology employed by the forces themselves, outside Political influences, ingrained institutional issues and so on seem to be repeated throughout these organs of the state - Policing reflects the views of the state and has never really moved in time with trends of the people.
Again, his actions negate your interpretation of events. Are there a 'million reasons' as to why he couldn't explain the reason he wanted her cigarette put out except for dominance?

"Can you, please, put out your cigarette, it's making my eyes water?" A request, not an order and one more likely to be met with respect. Fear of cigarette burns, does not stop him from invading her space, clearly.

As BigOscar, correctly, says, she asked for a reason why she is being arrested. Do you know why it takes him so long to answer? (No, and neither do you!) Because his first answer is 'for non-compliance'!! I never knew that was an arrestable offence! He, later on, comes up with 'resisting arrest', but she wasn't physically violent towards him, just reacting to his aggression.

In the other video posted, how on earth does a taller, heavier man of authority feel threatened by a woman, handcuffed behind her back, enough to pick her up and slam her down face first. Both of these, are clear examples of abuse of power, rather than threats to their person.

Be nice if you admit that, at least, it wouldn't take away your support of the police.

There is obviously police abuse, and I'm sure it takes place every day. What I'm trying to do is highlight the law enforcement and officer protection aspect of these events, as they are not as cut and dried as they seem on most videos. Every time an officer stops someone, his first thought is self preservation.

For instance, I think the officer who shot the suspect who grabbed his taser and ran away is a murderer. That was also a traffic stop for a tail light that turned into a stolen vehicle incident and then a struggle with the officer outside the car. If the victim had been shot while scuffling with the officer, I would have no problem, as fighting a guy who is wearing a gun or taser is a life threatening event, especially for the officer, because his authority has clearly already been challenged and the societal understanding that you acquiesce and comply with police directions has been forsaken. That the officer then shot the victim in the back in the heat of the moment MAY get him off Murder One, but I think he executed the man.

As I said, there are two sides to every police interaction. As an advocate of law enforcement, and an advocate of strong law enforcement where weapons are involved, I TRY to understand the officer mindset. He does not go into ANY altercation or traffic stop expecting or wanting to draw his weapon, because that means he is ready, willing and able to apply deadly force....and few officers relish that prospect, believe it or not, and most will never draw their weapons "in anger" during their career....and bad things are usually about to happen TO THEM! Don't forget, everyone knows the firepower an officer has and ANY traffic stop can contain far more firepower than he has at his disposal, especially if there is more than one person in the vehicle, or involved in the altercation.
Not sure what makes me more sick. Seeing this jumped up little **** bullying a woman or reading "White MALE officer" .
For fuck sakes man, the guy was a ****, end of.
In that case I'd say they're at least expected to warn someone that they could be arrested and then tell them they're under arrest before attempting to manhandle them out of their car.
Having read a few of your posts under this thread, dismay you don't have any clue what you are saying and most of your statements are more questions that facts! Lots of conjecture with nothing to back it up. As I said in a previous post, policing is different in different places, just as walking down a street is different at different times and locations.
Not sure what makes me more sick. Seeing this jumped up little **** bullying a woman or reading "White MALE officer" .
For fuck sakes man, the guy was a ****, end of.

Ever told a Flight Attendant that you will not comply with her directions? That is a federal offense and can get you jail time!

Why would she simply not comply with what he asked, and why did she continue to be belligerent when there was no cause for it. He was perfectly civil when he approached her and, for some reason, she chose non-compliance. Once an officer loses control of a situation, bad things happen quickly.

Did he do everything I would have done? Probably not.
Would we even know anything about this if she had not hanged herself? Absolutely not!
Do SOME police officers go beyond the need for reasonable force? Absolutely!
Do we color every officer from that one bad example? Hopefully not.

Will the police ever get a fair shake from the BlueMoon Forum? Doubtful!
Am I wasting my time trying to paint the other side of the picture for you? Clearly!

Have fun guys, but if you come to the States and start mouthing off to the cops and acting, talking or even seeming aggressive or noncompliant, expect to end up unhappy....just don't hang yourself over it!
Well, I'm not getting into an argument about it.

Your point is separate from the video.

The 'officer' knows it is a single female within the car as he'd witnessed the lane change.

When she stops, he goes from the right side of the car, to the left. At no point is he cautious, or in fear, in his approach to the vehicle on either side of it.

There is no defensive mindset here and I'm unsure why you're standing by him.

Your choice, Blue.
Well, I'm not getting into an argument about it.

Your point is separate from the video.

The 'officer' knows it is a single female within the car as he'd witnessed the lane change.

When she stops, he goes from the right side of the car, to the left. At no point is he cautious, or in fear, in his approach to the vehicle on either side of it.

There is no defensive mindset here and I'm unsure why you're standing by him.

Your choice, Blue.

The level of brutality the woman suffered from the hands of this clown is indefensible and should never have happened, this cop is remarkable in his lack of empathy and understanding. On a separate note Chicagoblue has a point that policing is a dangerous profession in the states because of all of the guns but that has no bearing on this cops actions.
He was/is an unfit law enforcement officer.

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