Yet More Tensions in the States...

Well, I'm not getting into an argument about it.

Your point is separate from the video.

The 'officer' knows it is a single female within the car as he'd witnessed the lane change.

When she stops, he goes from the right side of the car, to the left. At no point is he cautious, or in fear, in his approach to the vehicle on either side of it.

There is no defensive mindset here and I'm unsure why you're standing by him.

Your choice, Blue.

Not sure how you can POSSIBLY make the assertion you make. Why do you think he went to the right side of the car first?

Every time an officer gets out of the car, he is preparing himself for what MIGHT happen next. You might think that looks like strolling up to a car, but he has already run the plates, has an idea who SHOULD be in the car, and hopes this is a 3 minute interaction.

FWIW, I don't think she should have been pulled over for an improper lane change unless her driving was somehow suspect in another way, but I'm not tasked with patrolling those streets, nor am I aware of the traffic issues peculiar to that area. Should this have gone better? Yes. And it would have done if she had simply complied with the simple requests. Did she deserve to die over it? The officer clearly had nothing to do with that final act. She was a troubled soul.

I'm sure this isn't the last we will hear of the situation, but it's the last I have to say about it.

Be safe out there!
Not sure how you can POSSIBLY make the assertion you make. Why do you think he went to the right side of the car first?

Every time an officer gets out of the car, he is preparing himself for what MIGHT happen next. You might think that looks like strolling up to a car, but he has already run the plates, has an idea who SHOULD be in the car, and hopes this is a 3 minute interaction.

FWIW, I don't think she should have been pulled over for an improper lane change unless her driving was somehow suspect in another way, but I'm not tasked with patrolling those streets, nor am I aware of the traffic issues peculiar to that area. Should this have gone better? Yes. And it would have done if she had simply complied with the simple requests. Did she deserve to die over it? The officer clearly had nothing to do with that final act. She was a troubled soul.

I'm sure this isn't the last we will hear of the situation, but it's the last I have to say about it.

Be safe out there!

It is in the section of the video, the vehicle is stopped and he goes to the right side. It is at 1 min 45 secs into the video, that he leaves to run her license.

After that, he goes to left side before trying vacate her.

I, seriously, don't know what you're watching.

If you're intimating he is extrapolating possible persons within the car, he does not approach with caution, really. The only motion he makes is to, maybe, release the button strap from his gun belt. He doesn't even rest his hand on his weapon to underline your point!

What he does is a force of habit, knowing he knows who is in the car already and, mentally, thinks he has this covered.

I think you know this as his body language doesn't cover a single thing you've spoken passionately about.

Have to disagree with you, mate.

Sorry, but have a good night for yourself.
Ever told a Flight Attendant that you will not comply with her directions? That is a federal offense and can get you jail time!

Why would she simply not comply with what he asked, and why did she continue to be belligerent when there was no cause for it. He was perfectly civil when he approached her and, for some reason, she chose non-compliance. Once an officer loses control of a situation, bad things happen quickly.

Did he do everything I would have done? Probably not.
Would we even know anything about this if she had not hanged herself? Absolutely not!
Do SOME police officers go beyond the need for reasonable force? Absolutely!
Do we color every officer from that one bad example? Hopefully not.

Will the police ever get a fair shake from the BlueMoon Forum? Doubtful!
Am I wasting my time trying to paint the other side of the picture for you? Clearly!

Have fun guys, but if you come to the States and start mouthing off to the cops and acting, talking or even seeming aggressive or noncompliant, expect to end up unhappy....just don't hang yourself over it!

Get over yourself. I actually agree with your posts re: the issues that the police have with trying to make sure they get home in one piece. I also agree that if you don't comply that you may very well end up shot in the face. I have been to Chicago a few times and have been in the company of Chicago cops when I was there. My brother in-law is a cop here in Toronto (largest family of police in the province). The guy in the video was a ****, end of. She was obviously giving him attitude but he just kept pushing her. He could have give her a ticket and drove off. He didn't want to.
When I was young the police were members of the community and we knew them. Somewhere along the line they became assholes, and I can only assume it has to do with our violent culture. I'm a white guy and I've been belittled by the police and it is extremely frustrating. All I did was beep at a friend of mine and I got pulled over and had my car searched (they didn't find anything). When I became bored I went to stand up and the cop made me sit and basically treated me like a dog. At the end of the search he told me that he was going to write my name in his book and keep an eye on me. So, I beeped my horn to get somebody's attention and for that I was going to be stalked by the police? I couldn't imagine being black and having to go through this on a regular basis.
Get over yourself. I actually agree with your posts re: the issues that the police have with trying to make sure they get home in one piece. I also agree that if you don't comply that you may very well end up shot in the face. I have been to Chicago a few times and have been in the company of Chicago cops when I was there. My brother in-law is a cop here in Toronto (largest family of police in the province). The guy in the video was a ****, end of. She was obviously giving him attitude but he just kept pushing her. He could have give her a ticket and drove off. He didn't want to.

Already conceded that I might have done things differently, but you seem to imply that what he did was unlawful without any knowledge of the law in this instance. I would say that is prejudicial, wouldn't you?

You further state, without equivocation, that he COULD have done ABC but CHOSE to do XYZ. How do you know this, Kreskin? It is obvious there will be an internal inquiry regarding this incident. Why don't we let that occur and let the people who do actually know the law take care of it?

I've now gone against my word that I was done with this incident, so that will be my last word. You are free to continue guessing all and sundry at your leisure.

Good luck to us all.
Already conceded that I might have done things differently, but you seem to imply that what he did was unlawful without any knowledge of the law in this instance. I would say that is prejudicial, wouldn't you?

You further state, without equivocation, that he COULD have done ABC but CHOSE to do XYZ. How do you know this, Kreskin? It is obvious there will be an internal inquiry regarding this incident. Why don't we let that occur and let the people who do actually know the law take care of it?

I've now gone against my word that I was done with this incident, so that will be my last word. You are free to continue guessing all and sundry at your leisure.

Good luck to us all.

No, I didn't. Anyway, for the record, I am very pro police and think that the guy was out of order.
And for what it's worth, you're being a fucking dick.
The guy is a complete ****, how can you defend that? Just another officer who gets power tripped wearing that shiny badge.
Having read a few of your posts under this thread, dismay you don't have any clue what you are saying and most of your statements are more questions that facts! Lots of conjecture with nothing to back it up. As I said in a previous post, policing is different in different places, just as walking down a street is different at different times and locations.

You're a stupid **** and you have no clue what you're talking about.

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