You know your a PROPPER city fan when . . . . . ?

I new a bloke in a family of blues and became a bin dipper. He got well hammered at school!
Trigger said:
... when you are not a sheep and become a blue when all your family are rags !! (what did I do wrong to be born into this situation)
your not alone mate, it feels bloody good though even more so now, me and our kid have put up with years of abuse but you could hear a fly fart at the moment, i used to think it was because i liked to argue but as i got older the loyalty aspect of it seemed to fill me with more satisfaction than any of their titles and cups ever could, as well as our great sense of humour.
Its just to easy to wind up a rag and when you grow up around it its like a second language, I think our lot are on the verge of all having nervous breakdowns and it serves them all right for being so weak minded gloryhunting slags, panicking when we have not even started yet.
Our day has come and their faces at the moment are what tell's me this, two brothers and two others under the age of 5 already kitted out against a whole clan and not once did they beat us down ; )
When both your children's first words were City not mama or dada ,you had sat in front of them for weeks saying City City till they could say it themselves
CtidBlueMooner said:
When you can actually remember wearing a Silk City scarf around your neck :)
This plus 1 round each wrist and 1 round your waist.
No red clothes
Not being able to watch a scum goal
Teaching my nephew when he was a baby (he's 30 now)to say City as one of his first words,my brother in law is a rag,ha-ha
Over the years not buying Sharp,Vodaphone or anything else related to THEM
With all this money still think "Is this really our time"

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