You will own nothing and be happy

We should treat it’s proponents like we do Nazis.

A murderous bunch of cunts.
So I am a murdering ****, nice.

Tou do realise Capitalism/Imperialism has killed far more people than any other political system.
So I am a murdering ****, nice.

Tou do realise Capitalism/Imperialism has killed far more people than any other political system.
You may not be personally, I don’t know, but you’re supporting an ideology that does.

Capitalism and Imperialism aren’t necessarily the same and imperialism has has been around since Homo sapiens first walked the savannah.

100 million people died in just a few decades under communist regimes.
It should be treated like it’s opponent on the other side of the spectrum, national socialism.
You may not be personally, I don’t know, but you’re supporting an ideology that does.

Capitalism and Imperialism aren’t necessarily the same and imperialism has has been around since Homo sapiens first walked the savannah.

100 million people died in just a few decades under communist regimes.
It should be treated like it’s opponent on the other side of the spectrum, national socialism.
Lenin wrote "Imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism , he described the function of financial capital in generating profits from imperialist colonialism as the final stage of capitalist development to ensure greater profits.", they are intrinsically linked.

And as I have stated every "communist" regime has been a dictatorship, Communism is democracy in its purest form. Stalin was a murderer, he was not a Communist, he was more akin to a Fascist dictator
Lenin wrote "Imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism , he described the function of financial capital in generating profits from imperialist colonialism as the final stage of capitalist development to ensure greater profits.", they are intrinsically linked.

And as I have stated every "communist" regime has been a dictatorship, Communism is democracy in its purest form. Stalin was a murderer, he was not a Communist, he was more akin to a Fascist dictator
Lenin was also a murderer.

imperialism is linked to capitalism but they’re not necessarily hand in hand.

You can be capitalist without being imperalist.

Communism has never been worked into a democratic society, because the state initially owning everything is anti democratic and didn’t Marx say it has to go through that process to reach the utopia of communities running themselves?

It’s to open to corruption and that’s why we see dictators whenever it’s tried.
The issue people take with Klaus Schawb and his you will own nothing and be happy statement, is it reminds the owners of capital of Marxism. When you consider the effort made to discredit every tenet of Marxism over the last few decades it is really not surprising. The whole global reset stuff is all about the Marxist bogeyman at the door. Its Macarthyism reborn.

Consider this, in the UK there has been so much emphasis on owning your own home that people trying to do so has sucked so much money out of the economy in spending terms and only benefitted the owners of capital, IE bankers etc. If there was a stock of state owned housing, you could call them council houses perhaps that suited everyones needs then there would be no need to own your house, no need to pay a huge mortgage, you wouldnt be a wage slave, you would own nothing but you would be happy. Capitalists would hate that as it would cost them money.

The prevailing orthodoxy is though that people should get on the housing ladder, why do you think that is the case. You borrow huge sums of money and pay it back at high interest rates and at the end of the day what do you actually have, you own a pile of bricks that you could have rented for much less money and used the money saved to actually be happy with life rather than working all the hours you can to give profits to the owners of capital,

What we need is less capitalism and more Marxism. But as long as mysteriously funded RW think tanks continue to have so much influence over our society then the longer the owners of capital make profits from your hard work,
The issue people take with Klaus Schawb and his you will own nothing and be happy statement, is it reminds the owners of capital of Marxism. When you consider the effort made to discredit every tenet of Marxism over the last few decades it is really not surprising. The whole global reset stuff is all about the Marxist bogeyman at the door. Its Macarthyism reborn.

Consider this, in the UK there has been so much emphasis on owning your own home that people trying to do so has sucked so much money out of the economy in spending terms and only benefitted the owners of capital, IE bankers etc. If there was a stock of state owned housing, you could call them council houses perhaps that suited everyones needs then there would be no need to own your house, no need to pay a huge mortgage, you wouldnt be a wage slave, you would own nothing but you would be happy. Capitalists would hate that as it would cost them money.

The prevailing orthodoxy is though that people should get on the housing ladder, why do you think that is the case. You borrow huge sums of money and pay it back at high interest rates and at the end of the day what do you actually have, you own a pile of bricks that you could have rented for much less money and used the money saved to actually be happy with life rather than working all the hours you can to give profits to the owners of capital,

What we need is less capitalism and more Marxism. But as long as mysteriously funded RW think tanks continue to have so much influence over our society then the longer the owners of capital make profits from your hard work,

Just in connection with housing...'the selling-off of council houses to their tenants is often praised as a Thatcherite success story.

But in social and economic terms, the decimation of municipal housing was one of the chief elements in the emergence of a neoliberal dependency culture. Spending on housing benefit during 1996-7 was estimated at over £11 billion. This is 1.5 per cent of Britain's gross domestic product and over ten times the total cost of housing benefits in 1979-80. Public expenditure on social housing was replaced, many times over, by rent rebates and assistance with the payments of mortgages. The price of privatizing municipal housing in Britain has been a colossal increase in welfare dependency.'

The above is from John Gray's superb False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism.
The issue people take with Klaus Schawb and his you will own nothing and be happy statement, is it reminds the owners of capital of Marxism. When you consider the effort made to discredit every tenet of Marxism over the last few decades it is really not surprising. The whole global reset stuff is all about the Marxist bogeyman at the door. Its Macarthyism reborn.

Consider this, in the UK there has been so much emphasis on owning your own home that people trying to do so has sucked so much money out of the economy in spending terms and only benefitted the owners of capital, IE bankers etc. If there was a stock of state owned housing, you could call them council houses perhaps that suited everyones needs then there would be no need to own your house, no need to pay a huge mortgage, you wouldnt be a wage slave, you would own nothing but you would be happy. Capitalists would hate that as it would cost them money.

The prevailing orthodoxy is though that people should get on the housing ladder, why do you think that is the case. You borrow huge sums of money and pay it back at high interest rates and at the end of the day what do you actually have, you own a pile of bricks that you could have rented for much less money and used the money saved to actually be happy with life rather than working all the hours you can to give profits to the owners of capital,

What we need is less capitalism and more Marxism. But as long as mysteriously funded RW think tanks continue to have so much influence over our society then the longer the owners of capital make profits from your hard work,

Did Klaus Schawb ever say "you will own nothing"?

Isn't this what you want?

According to Mansell (2013), by applying the political concept of a 'social contract' to the corporation, stakeholder theory undermines the principles on which a market economy is based.[30]

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