You will own nothing and be happy

Lenin wrote "Imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism , he described the function of financial capital in generating profits from imperialist colonialism as the final stage of capitalist development to ensure greater profits.", they are intrinsically linked.

And as I have stated every "communist" regime has been a dictatorship, Communism is democracy in its purest form. Stalin was a murderer, he was not a Communist, he was more akin to a Fascist dictator
Whilst the aims of Communism may well be very laudable most people have long since realised that in its purest form it is incompatible with human nature which is why there has never been a real Communist regime just nominal ones which are as authoritarian as anything found on the far right of the spectrum.
Meh,politicians and business men wanting to make tge wprld a better place is something many would beskeptical about given human nature

plus the idea accumilation of property and such is unecessary ajd erardication auch would lead to a happy society tbf engels, marx kropotkin and roddenberry were dreamimg up this decades ago.

It would either end up being utopia or dystopia, and will not happen until the basic needs for life (food, water, protection from the eliments) are freely available to all without condition.
Food Water Warmth and Shelter.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
Whilst the aims of Communism may well be very laudable most people have long since realised that in its purest form it is incompatible with human nature which is why there has never been a real Communist regime just nominal ones which are as authoritarian as anything found on the far right of the spectrum.
The anti left movement have done a great job haven't they

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