Young Lads In Long Term Relationships

Blue Smarties said:
SharpDressedMan said:
I've had to bump this thread shamelessly now because I'm at the age of 19 and never had a girlfriend. I think it's very ignorant of the OP to suggest it's that easy to go and pull women when it really isn't isn't you suffer from social anxiety, depression and low self esteem

Anyway, crack on with your 'homo', 'failure' and 'you suck at life' jokes. I've heard it all before...
you suck at life
i love you
want to go out?

Yawn. Heard it before
SharpDressedMan said:
felixbg said:
im 19 and wish i'd never had a girlfriend ... much better off without them tbh.

It's easy for people who have HAD a girlfriend to say that though

Don't worry about it, you've got your whole life to submit to the will of the opposite sex, enjoy your independance and freedom whilst you still have it.

Personally i've not had any real long-term relationships, some short-term ones but i've given up on them quickly, it's not for me right now, i like to be able to do things without having to justify my actions and report in where i am, what i'm doing, when i'll be back etc.

Same with travel, travelling alone you can do whatever the hell you want, stop places that you want to without caring what anyone else thinks, eat where you want, buy what you want, sleep where you want.

It's just a whole lot less hassle.
pee dubya said:
SharpDressedMan said:
It's easy for people who have HAD a girlfriend to say that though

Don't worry about it, you've got your whole life to submit to the will of the opposite sex, enjoy your independance and freedom whilst you still have it.

Personally i've not had any real long-term relationships, some short-term ones but i've given up on them quickly, it's not for me right now, i like to be able to do things without having to justify my actions and report in where i am, what i'm doing, when i'll be back etc.

Same with travel, travelling alone you can do whatever the hell you want, stop places that you want to without caring what anyone else thinks, eat where you want, buy what you want, sleep where you want.

It's just a whole lot less hassle.

100% spot on, when in a relationship you've got no end of things to save up for, plan, do. on your own you can genuinly do what you want, enjoy it while you can and live the dream
I agree with the OP to some extent as I have flatmates who hardly come out because they are all in relationships and when my mates do come out they often sell you out and leave the club early. It does my nut, I am the only single lad in my flat and flatmates look at it as a bad thing and its "better" to have a gf. I just laugh at them as they always stay in watching the tv slagging people off (who I know) because they think they are god's gift as they are in a 'relationship'. I am single through choice(and before you say it not her choice), I binned my ex because she was too keen, boring and I was 21 living in London and which is full of clunge.

However at the same time I know lads in relationship who still come out on the lash a lot and come to all of the games and we have a mint time, and when their gfs come out they are sound and dead friendly.
SharpDressedMan said:
felixbg said:
im 19 and wish i'd never had a girlfriend ... much better off without them tbh.

It's easy for people who have HAD a girlfriend to say that though

There's plenty of ropey looking birds around who would be grateful for a boyfriend. Stop being so choosey and start off with something easy. Maybe a fatty with a quint, just to get you on the ladder.
The Fat el Hombre said:
Wake up and get the fuck out lads. You only live once and you're only young once. Young lads should be roaming the streets doing what they want when they want with who they want, with a common goal of fornicating with as many female specimens as we possibly can.

We've got fucking bags of time to be boring and settle down and fall in love and all that bollocks. We should walk the streets like free men, drinking, smoking, gambling, trying our luck and anything else we feel like doing whenever we like

Seize the moment

Finish your birds!
how old are you lol i thought you was a 90 odd year old shrivel

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