Your Best Memories of Maine Road

Daftest Memory

Queuing for a Play Off Final Ticket. Arrived at 7am after a 2 hour drive to find the Kippax Car Park resembling a Syrian Refugee Camp. There were hundreds who had slept out. The Car-park was just full of discarded sleeping bags and plastic garden furniture!

At 3pm I finally emerged from the bowells of the North Stand to walk forward to the Sales Window.

Little did I realises that the following Sunday would be even more stressful!

Best Goals Witnessed

Jensen's Volley, Hinchcliffe's Header, Gio's Dribble and Berkovic's Individual Run and Finish.

Happiest Moment

5-1 and 3-1 Derby wins.

Saddest Moment

being the fourth and last generation of my family to be a regular at the old ground (my daughter will only know the Etihad), it is more than memories for me.
terry_phealens_mum said:
Ah the Etihad is shite in comparison, there I said it

No it's not - not by any stretch.
Nostalgia plays tricks on you. Not every game was a heady, atmospheric near religious experience that's for sure.
Plenty of crap games watched in virtual silence as well.

The Etihad is a truly fantastic stadium. Maine Road if the truth be told was a dump!
There I said it. :-)
always in the Kippax, until the 5-1 against Charlton, had a ticket for the main stand, watching the ebb and flow of the Kippax instead of being in it was unforgettable, like waves breaking against rocks
Rascal said:
Bells comeback. Still sends shivers down my spine.
My first game Bells comeback Boxing Day 77 still got programme 15p,in kippax New Yrs Day 85 watching half hearted attempt by Leeds lads to open the gate at bottom of kippax away section to get into Platt Lane which was met straight away with 100s of Citys lads rising as one,Leeds shut themselves back in sharpish
TGR said:
terry_phealens_mum said:
Ah the Etihad is shite in comparison, there I said it

No it's not - not by any stretch.
Nostalgia plays tricks on you. Not every game was a heady, atmospheric near religious experience that's for sure.
Plenty of crap games watched in virtual silence as well.

The Etihad is a truly fantastic stadium. Maine Road if the truth be told was a dump!
There I said it. :-)

Always one miserable twat. Maine road and especially the Kippax had character something you don't get at any new built ground.

There I said it.
Daftest Memory

heeadbutting a copper (I was 5-ish)

Best Goals Witnessed

Goater's sliderule pass into the net passed Barthez after Gary Neville's assist

Happiest Moment

Final Maine Road derby.

Saddest Moment

Losing to Mansfield in a cup we'll hopefully never ever compete in ever, ever, never ever again.
Pudding & chips from the chippy half way down Claremont Road.
Seeing Bobby Johnstone and Bert Trautmann in a floodlit game.
A rugby league game there.
Getting the paper outside the ground after the game with the latest scores printed down the side.
mcmanus said:
TGR said:
terry_phealens_mum said:
Ah the Etihad is shite in comparison, there I said it

No it's not - not by any stretch.
Nostalgia plays tricks on you. Not every game was a heady, atmospheric near religious experience that's for sure.
Plenty of crap games watched in virtual silence as well.

The Etihad is a truly fantastic stadium. Maine Road if the truth be told was a dump!
There I said it. :-)

Always one miserable twat. Maine road and especially the Kippax had character something you don't get at any new built ground.

There I said it.

No not miserable mcmanus just honest. As a stadium it was an embarrassment.
I spent many happy a day / night in there from being 7 years old but that doesn't change the fact
the place was a dump in every sense.

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